Chapter 4: The Witch Jezebel

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3rd person P.O.V.

                          With the information gathered, it seems Ace is well on her way to figuring some stuff out. What do we really know about our antagonist however. She's a heretic witch, and has some almost inhuman type minions, with a lust for destruction. I am here to guide you to her, and here her story. So now to show you, what she was doing while Ace was walking around.

Jezebel's P.O.V.

                         I waited, those dream stealers of mine were still being perfected. Though to be fair, they were the first of a new breed, so they would take time. Picking off Slendy's poor, innocent, proxies would have to do for now. However, as I waited, I heard one of my newest men come through the tent flap to talk to me....

Czar's P.O.V.

                       I was new, to lady Jezebel, to being a familiar, and even talking to people in centuries. I really only knew one language...a dead language, latin..... But nevertheless here I was. Lady Jezebel, my new master, had given me the name Czar. I couldn't quiet understand why she picked such a name for a peasant like me, but I accepted the name. This is was one of the many reasons I found myself walking to ask her about our mission. Why were we pursuing this line, what would this accomplish... i just had to know. When I opened the flap of her tent, I bowed to her thin physique. Her small delicate fingers, and hands combined perfectly with her long dark hair. She looked sleek, and fox like, her eyes had a feral look to them, which made me half wonder if I really should trust her. I was her familiar now though, so there was no going back.

Jezebel's P.O.V.

                      "At ease Czar, what is it?" I addressed the latin speaking incubus, without difficulty.

                      "My lady," Czar replied, standing up straight,"I just want to understand, why this whole world, why punish other witches, murderers, and even demons? I guess I'm just wondering, where this all came from?"

                      "Ahh, I guess I should tell you my story, then maybe you'll understand," I answered, pretending to be ok with him questioning me.

                      How dare a lowly familiar question it's witch, but I pushed the feeling aside to tell my tale. I cleared my throat then started with,"A long time ago, about 200 years ago, the first witch was born, when a young woman discovered she had unusual powers. Through the years posers from all over were persecuted for crimes, killed, but a few girls became students of the young lady. Then around the year 1925, she picked me up as her 10th student. I was a young, beautiful, 18 year old, and was ready to learn from the woman I had only ever heard legends about. I learned quickly, what was right, what was wrong, and even how my lifespan would increase. I was going to be the one to take over for Progenitor, when she felt her time of leadership was over. My sister, the youngest and sweetest, of our family also got taught, but by me. I asked for Progenitor's permission to teach my sister, as she was my teacher. So that was what lead to my being her teacher. Oh sweet Ruth, a fast learner, and kind soul. 2 years, was how long I stuck to her rules, but when my sister got sick and died...she took my grief as a reason to dub me a heretic. We couldn't heal her, so I took it into my own hands to bring her back! A clay body, and normal human energy, and souls was ALL IT WOULD HAVE TAKEN! -But no, with killing a few of the sisters in the coven, who agreed to help me... I was kicked out. The sickness that killed my sister, I would later find out during exile was an interdimensional demon. He had ripped her apart, eaten her, his paper white skin, and faceless appearance, spelling her end. They tried to save her, but would have never had the chance! So, from that day forward, I made myself 2 promises. 1.) That I would be the one to end the woman who wouldn't allow me to revive my sister. And 2.) This world be overtaken by me, no matter the means! And cleansed, so all who dare oppose me would lie dead at my feet, or as a part of my decore. You see dear Czar, I can't let those internet murderers ruin my plans, so I will make them live in my eternal hell while I take control of what will soon be mine."

                            I watched Czar nod, as I finished my story, then I said,"Begone now, I must focus on the best to continue my plans."

                            As he left, I couldn't help but think he was going to turn on me. However I didn't have long to dwell on a weakling familiar like that, as a few of my dream stealing children came back, with some interesting news....

Czar's P.O.V.

                          When I was out of her tent, and passing what she called dream stealers, I couldn't help but think that this might be just a little too far. Though who was I to say, being her newest familiar, I was the lowest form of scum to her. I'd heard from the other familiars that had been serving for longer, and those dream stealers, that she really only cared about those who did the best towards her agenda. I'd heard of the spell she was speaking of, the one to bring her sister back, and by any sorcerers standards, it was a taboo. You had to sacrifice multiple lives, and hope to keep their souls energy alive. On top of all that, you had to forcibly bind the energy of the one you wished to bring back, to the energy of the sacrifices. Finally the clay body would become flesh and, blood, and while the person would live forever, they would also have to live with the screams of the dead sacrifices used to bring the back to life. It felt sad, that she was unstable, that the slenderman had killed her sister, that she thought this was the only way. At the same time, I was sickened, I couldn't believe the woman who took me in was so dark. I wished she was actually an angel at this point, the angel I thought she was before. To tell you the truth, the fact that she wanted her sister to live like that, it made me feel even worse. The fountain of youth seemed more tame, but it wasn't as if I could turn against her now. I didn't have the power to.

Jezebel's P.O.V.

                          After I found out that Ace was looking into this, I sent them on a special mission. And they'd best hope not to fail me...

AN: As I said before, I'm doing a few filler chapters for this story! I figured I should do one for our villain, and then I would move onto the other oc's of mine. For all of you who have probably guessed, or not guessed, Czar will be important later in the story. retrogamenerd and I have discussed an idea involving a character that might help the other characters in this story later. I'm sorry this chapter is relatively short, but the up coming chapters will be longer again. I promise! Thanks and, I'll see you in the next one.

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