Chapter 8: Crime Scene.

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3rd Person P.O.V.

               Sanity, on might say is an understatement for any creepypasta, but in the case of Ace, and the others, it was pretty close to it when the sun would rise. The rising sun followed Ace to the circle, and to the unreal idea that 2 new people would be staying at her house. She didn't question it though, as she may find out from Ben later, and Liu would have to make his own decisions as he healed. Progenitor even said, that he might be better off living with a group, rather than trying to fly solo. As the sun got higher, all of them returned to the well kept cabin. Ace had Lyra show Liu to his room, and she showed Ben where he would be staying. Then her day really began like usual...

Ace's P.O.V.

               As the others went to bed, or just flat out got settled, I was beginning the day anew. "No rest for the wicked," I mumbled to myself teasingly.

                  I didn't get any sleep due to chasing leads, and so I would be going to my normal job half awake. The only other person who would be at work, was Annie. She had originally been, a normal girl, until she went looking for her little cousin Lukie. Long story short, although not a proxy, Slender drove her insane, making her love dolls above all else. It was a perverse obsession, one that drove her to alter herself in a minor way and kill to make humans into dolls. All the same, she was a member of the family, who lived with us now. Sometimes, we would even get to see crimes by ourselves, or other killers. That was the part of my 'normal' life, and my job, that I loved. Seeing the killing styles of others, made me ecstatic. It made me wonder what I could learn, and what might make things more fun. However, my mind got pulled from this line of thought by the coffee machine. It beeped, signaling my cup was full. Soon, Annie charged into the kitchen to make her own coffee before work. As I finished my cup, I placed it in the sink, before grabbing my bag and an extra set of clothes. I casually looked at the large, granny sized, purse like, bag. I was debating, whether or not, to bring the scalpel that I had found a while back at a crime scene from months ago. I knew it was one of Eyeless Jacks when I picked it up. But, something about this one, felt good in my hand. The handle was my size, the blade was incredibly sharp, and it had just the right amount of black to easily conceal it in the dark. Also, with all of the new drama, issues, and threats, a weapon would not be bad to have on me. After a few minutes, I just shoved the blade into a pocket of the bag. Something about that blade, made me feel safe about bringing it with me. Annie, and I left at the same time ironically, and therefore making it to work together. The building was called Arkham Asylum Crime Scene Clean up. For most newcomers, it was enough to get a laugh. Though seeing the sign a few times, the joke lost it's potency. Now it was just a worn out gag for me, in more ways than one. Given the fact that, Progenitor, or our boss Ms. Sybil Harlow, would suggest horror books for me to read, from time to time of course. As we got to the building, we were immediately assigned a clean up job with 2 other workers. They would send more later, after more evidence was collected. As we all got our clean up assignments via radio in our van, I couldn't help but wonder what lay in store for us. I also wondered why I was the designated driver to these crime scenes. Not that I minded, but it still felt a little weird. Either way, when we got there, and were immediately greeted by the metallic smell of blood, I was internally squealing. "Man this place smells nasty," one of our cohorts said in disgust.

                         "This is also just sad," the other added.

                          "We still have to clean it up boys," Annie said, trying to sound sympathetic.

                        They nodded, not questioning her, as the 2 of us made our way to the master bedroom. My eyes brightened, seeing 'DON'T SAY THE 3 WORDS' written in blood on the wall. The obvious blood splatter from death by a slit throat made me nearly giggle. The boys got the boys room, which I'd admit made me a little sad. That aside, I felt Annie stare at me before asking,"Admiring the work?"

                           "Yeah," I answered, a smile creeping onto my face,"it's familiar, though I'm not sure from what right now."

                        "Book, or something?" she asked, as we finally got ready to clean.

                        I nodded, "Something like that."

                        As we worked, I realized this might be the work of the eternity killer. This made me giddy, the thought that a legend like them might be here made me excited. Seeing as most sources thought they might be a girl, I often associated Eternity, with the female gender. After cleaning the parents room, and then reconvening with the other 2, heading back outside. "I swear, that boy probably was given a few chances," one of the guys said.

                      "What makes you say that?" I asked, being pulled from thoughts that might seem delusional to most.

                       "It's just a feeling. I guess with the little movement there was in the room, that's what it seemed like," the guy responded, although new to our rag tag group of workers, he seemed smart.

                     "You're such a dork James! No wonder girls won't pine for you," answered the other guy.

                     This turned the moment into a fight. Daniel was new too, but he didn't seem to have time for people who could think ahead like that. Considering all the Eternity murders had one thing in common, it was no wonder small details like that might be missed. I sighed, signaling for Annie to help me break up their argument. "Danny, sweet heart, you need to stop," She said bluntly, though it clearly caught his attention.

                   "Uh? Why it's the truth isn't it?! And sweetheart..." Daniel responded in annoyance, before being cut off by Annie.

                   She started keeping his attention, by defending Names in her own way, and telling him not to judge every girl by his experience alone. As she reprimanded him, I turned to James. He was sitting hunched over, his expression was depressed. I sighed, before putting on my best smile, fake or not I hoped to hide my distrust for others in this moment. "He's wrong you know," I said as he turned to me.

                  "You're just saying that aren't you?" he asked, looking at me skeptically.

                   "I don't have a reason to lie to you, so no I'm not just saying that," I replied,"I know a few people who would love a guy, who could pick up on stuff like that. You are highly perspective, and that's a good trait to have. Plus Sex and Love are not the same thing. So don't stress yourself."

                    He smiled, nodding and, already feeling better about himself. The rest of the clean up went off without a hitch, and before long we had finished work. Annie went home ahead of me, so she could ready for her hunt that night, and I couldn't blame her. A small smile danced on my lips, I think deep down, I spent longer getting ready hoping to run into the Eternity Killer on the way home. As I hit the path, my plans changed, I figured at that point, that it was a long shot. Until I looked over, and saw someone I had never seen before...

AN: PokemonNerd666 your oc will officially be talking in the next chapter. I made reference to Batman, and Arkham Asylum, you will get a cookie if you can figure out where the name Arkham, came from! So yeah, I gave a vague clue in the story, you have to guess! Bye bye guys, see you next chapter!

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