Chapter 10: Willows and Ghosts

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3rd Person P.O.V.

While the 2 girls headed down to breakfast, the world was still spinning. For example, the witches circle had people preparing for the worst, and something or someone was walking into the circle...

Progenitor's P.O.V.

I was dizzy. A sensation I hardly ever felt anymore, due to it being caused by very few things for me. Dizziness, was caused by 2 different things, sickness, and over use of magic. Sickness was hardly a problem anymore, as healing magic had nearly everything covered, and magic... I had practiced enough to know when I was reaching my limits. So to say these dizzy spells made me nervous, was an understatement. (mind you I just realized the pun I made while writing this. It wasn't intended, just saying....back to the story.) It took a few things to make me nervous, but not only was I unusually dizzy, my mind was also fuzzy. It was like a part of my magic was being blocked, or subdued. Just as I started contemplating what might be wrong, another one hit me, sending me reeling towards the ground. My followers saw me fall, Mai ran to catch me, when another set of hands caught me. "Progenitor, your quite faint," a voice echoed sanding me up.

I looked at Mai, before looking back. Behind me stood a young, slender, woman, with bluish grey skin, dark purple hair, and bright red eyes. These eyes seemed to glow against the dark shadows around her eyes. I smiled in recognition of the creature that stood before. "Is that a Willow?" Mai asked in shock.

"Yes, but she must be here for a reason," I responded calmly,"Child, what is your name?"

The willow bowed, before saying,"Kind Progenitor, my name is Mist. And we have much discuss."

She seemed to be urgent in her introduction, and wanted to talk immediately. "Of course, rise Mist. Let's head to the main tent, Mai, you're in charge for the time being," I said, leaving Mai behind.

Mist and I went to the tent, and I closed the tent flaps, and turned to her. She looked more nervous, upset, and distraught in here compared to outside. I cocked an eyebrow, then spoke up,"You seem distressed, what's wrong Mist?"

She was dead silent, her hair hung in front of her face like a curtain, then I saw her shoulders shake. She was crying, so I gave her a hug. She was still fairly young for her species, so now I really was curious about what had happened. I stayed quiet for a bit, so she could calm herself. When she finally did, Mist wiped a few stray tears from her face, and then looked at me seriously. "Progenitor, a heretic witch has attacked and, killed all of the willows from our sanctuary. I am the only survivor in the area," she said not breaking concentration.

I became wide eyed, wondering how I hadn't seen that coming. It made me even more worried, was there something wrong with me? "That's awful, but is there more? I didn't see any of that," I answered.

"I can help you regain your sight, but it must be outside the circle. The energy blocking you sight, is witch Jezebel's, she was the one who attacked," Mist said, causing my eyes to widen in surprise.

", impossible, she's supposed to be dead," I said with uncertainty.

Mist shook her head,"She's alive. Whoever you sent to end her life, either didn't, or couldn't."

"No," I said calmly,"I don't believe Mai would lie to me. She might have missed, but to bluntly lie to my face, not likely."

Mist nodded, as we headed away from the witches circle. I knew she wanted to help me, but there was more to it than that. It was as if her reasons for doing this were deeper than just helping me. As I started to pick up on this, we drew to a stop. It was right on the edge of a clearing, and the area were the boarder between slender's forest and our circle was the thinnest. "Let's sit, and gather energy from the moon, Progenitor," Mist said calmly.

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