Chapter 9: Eternity Killer Lily, and Past Nightmares

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As I noticed the small girl who appeared to only be 10, she looked back at me too. I raised an eyebrow, still walking along the path to get home. "How did she find this place?" I mumbled to myself,"It's not like just anybody can find this particular border between slenders, and home."

As I asked myself these things, my thoughts were violently pulled away from me by, the girl squeaking. I saw her holding the skirt to her patchwork dress over her legs. She was hanging upside down, a black tendril holding her by the leg. My eye twitched, when I realized who that was.

???'s P.O.V.

Over 216 years old, and I was still managing to find new ways to get into trouble. I had just been minding my own business, being a wanderer, as you do, when just as I was trying to figure out who was out here, I get grabbed. My curiosity, while hiding from the murders I committed, had gotten the better of me. Seeing the girl up ahead, had made me drop my guard, leading to my current situation. I was being held upside down, while desperately trying to keep my bloomers from showing. "I've heard a lot about you," I heard through static,"How would like to be a proxy, Lillith?"

"NO WAY!" I cried back, knowing full well that would mean losing my freedom again, just like before with 'him'

"But, you-" Slender started to say, just as someone else spoke up.

"I believe she just told you no."

We both turned to face a dark brown hair woman. It was the same person I had seen upon entering this forest. Was she crazy, I couldn't tell, as she clearly didn't care that she was back talking an interdimensional demon. "Who are you to speak to me this way?" The Slenderman asked harshly as the sound of Static intensified.

"Who am I? My name is Ace, and you clearly don't belong on this side of the path Slendy. However since I really didn't want to start a fight with you, I want you to leave, and let my sister go," The girl I now knew as Ace said in confidence.

"Wait a minute I-" I started to interject, when she gave me a look as if to say, just play along.

"Hi Sis," I added as calmly as possible.

Slender turned his head back and, forth. It was like he was trying to figure out if we were lying or not. "And, if I refuse to give you the eternity killer?" Slendy asked consequently.

"Then things might just get a little ugly," Ace answered, a small bit of venom entering her voice.

"You do realize who I am right?" Slender asked, things seemed to be getting nowhere, but she was my only option.

"Yes," she answered, her eyes closed, but a red substance leaving them like tears,"but you don't realize what you're dealing with."

Slender decided to try to take me across the path, and as he did that, I freaked out. This was it, I was going to lose the last thing I had, freedom. However, before I was dragged completely across, I heard an inhuman like cry of agony, and I felt the pressure around my ankle loosen. "What are you doing to me?!?!" Slender shrieked in pain.

I turned to see, a woman with similar build to the girl from earlier, white hair, and a wolf mask in from of me. "You didn't heed my warning did you?" she asked in a voice that sounded deep and seductive.

Nonetheless it had to be the person I saw earlier. She seemed intrigued by how he writhed in agony. It took me a minute to notice he had a deep burn mark in one if his tentacles, and that he was surrounded in a dark, almost black, purple aura. "F-fine.....f-fair enough.... Please....release me....", Slender replied to her earlier comment.

"Do you want me to let you go, and in even better condition than when you showed up?" Ace asked advancing to kneel down at his level.

"What do you...NArrrrhg think?!" Slendy asked aggravated.

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