Chapter 14: The First Battle (part 2)

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Eyeless Jack's P.O.V.

An inhuman cry jolted both of us from our conversation. "Wilder!" she said, rising to her feet quickly,"I'm coming."

"Ah ah aren't going anywhere," answered one of the bastards that threw me towards her.

"Well hello dream stealer," the girl hissed out,"Want to get in my way huh?"

The Dream Stealer laughed harshly,"Would I be doing my job if I didn't?"

I growled, which caused him to face me,"Aww poor little demon boy who doesn't know how to fight us."

Suddenly the creature turned into a young woman, someone who made me uncomfortable, for some reason. I really didn't know why, the girl who I rammed into, seemed to notice my change in demeanor. Her blue eye visible through her currently broken mask, slowly turning to a green and red mixture, and her pupil taking on a cat, or snake like appearance. She chucked a knife into the dream stealer which made it cry out in agony. She seemed very familiar with the creature she called a dream stealer, or at least she seemed comfortable with fighting them. I watched as that thing, fell to the ground. A purple, almost black, aura surrounded the knife she chucked, causing the thing to melt. How did she do that, I didn't even get to ask, as she took off toward someone she called Wilder. I kept up with her, figuring I wouldn't be much help, but that I would try anyway. "You ok?" she called back as we got closer to where the screams were coming from.

I found it hard to believe, that someone I barely knew, was worrying about me. "Yeah!" I replied making sure she could hear me.

She seemed content with the response, as she faced forward again.

AN: I've lost all luster for this story, so I'm sorry to the people who have read this. However, I will be rewriting the story, with new ideas! It will also have a new name, and new beginning! So be on the look out for it! That's it, bye everyone!

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