Chapter 2: The Witches Circle

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Toby's P.O.V.

                    "They still weren't back yet huh?" I mumbled, thinking about all the other proxies, like me, who had died lately.

                    "Their usually back early," I thought,"So did something happen to them to?"

                    Then I noticed, the forest was a little cloudier around here. The smell of smoke followed, it was one smell that brought back memories. The echos of mom's screams, the fear of being caught for offing my old man, to Slendy pulling me away from my own hot glowing diversion. I shook my head, coming back to where I was. "Those day's are over Toby, just head towards the smell," I mumbled hesitantly.

                      I both loved and, hated fire. I loved it's glow, but hated its destructive, and restrictive nature. None the less, I went to check it out. Leaves crackled under my feet, as I got closer to the fire and, its popping sounds. I flinched a little as I got closer, then another memory flowed in. It was from when I was little, mom had pulled dad aside to scold him for yelling at me again. I distinctly remembered alcohol smell on his body, and Lyra was adding some fuel to the fire. We were camping, and when the fire leaped up, I jumped away from it. "Toby?" Lyra asked me calmly.

                      "Um hum," I hummed abruptly.

                      "Are you scared of the fire?" she asked me sweetly.

                      "N-no!" I answered, trying to act tough, only to have my condition betray me.

                        My older sister giggled, before saying,"It's ok, fire can be scary, but we can make it fun! I promise!"

                       The memory stopped when I was right in front of the fire. It was huge, with 3 bodies sitting on top of it. Their masks were in the background, Nix, Flora, and Cyrus, were atop it. "Yo Slendy," I said to make him show.

                        Nothing happened though. I was about to call out to him again when I saw those 2 again. One wore a white mask with black eyes, and black lips. The other wore a black mask withe red markings. I had seen them around before, they weren't proxies, but they didn't make trouble. That really wasn't their style, at least I thought it wasn't. "Was this you guys?" I asked approaching them.

                         I was going to get answers, when Slender called out,"You found them huh?"

                          I nodded, with them gone, I knew this was going to be an interesting report....

3rd person P.O.V.

While smoke and fire brought back memories for Toby in Slender's Forest. Ace spent the next 15 minutes after being calmed down, explaining how she had found Conor's body.

Lyra's P.O.V.

                        I sat there in shock, as she talked about this. My energy seemed to bounce back and, forth between dark and angry, to semi normal. "Why Conor though!?" Slits, a girl with injuries coving her body, and little sister to me at this point, cried.

                        She grit her teeth in a huff, growling a bit before adding to her previous cry,"He didn't do ANYTHING!"

                       "Maybe not," echoed a voice off to my left, "but he did know us. He was friends with us."

                       "What's that supposed to mean!? YOU HAVE A SMART MOUTH SHADOW!" Slits cried to the demon ghost hybrid in the corner.

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