Chapter 13: The First Battle (Part 1)

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Lily's P.O.V.

Ace had finished healing Shadow fairly quickly. I guessed that what it was like to have a split agenda. I mean Ace, and Shadows 2 sides where difficult to keep maintained, but Ace seemed to keep up with it. I'd wonder how she did it, if not for the fact that Progenitor, who was only taller than me by a couple of inches, was her teacher. No I wasn't salty about, being shorter than everyone I came across, it was just notable. (author chan here, stating that I felt like making Lily a little bit like Edward from FMA. about her height for giggles. I hope that isn't a problem with her original creator PokemonNerd666. But she can let me know) During that time Annie had made her a doll, and I, along with the others, brought Ace some of her stuff from the basement. All the while, Ben had been silent. The darkness that surrounded him, made me realise, for the first time since Ben joined us to stay safe, how much he cared about Shadow. It was cute, and almost endearing, consarn it, IT-WAS-PRECIOUS! As I died internally, from fan girling, I think that was what it was called, I noticed that Ace's eyes seemed to glow a lavender color. This was a stark contrast to her eyes when she was using her more demon powers, and clearly different from when she was using other magic. Her eye would glow somewhere in between the colors of blue and green. Once she finished, she said something rather peculiar. "Progenitor slow," she spoke aloud,"The others need to hear you too."

Silence fell once again,"Yes, I healed up Shadow...."

As if Shadow had been listening, she sat up. It was enough to get me to giggle, and make Ben's dark aura fade. "HOLD ON! THE OTHERS NEED TO KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON PRO!" Ace replied angrily.

Ben and, Shadow looked at each other, Wilder bit his lip stifling laughter, Slits just smirked, Anne smiled, and I was quietly laughing. Ace just sighed, then snapped her fingers, as if on command, we were standing in a room. Sally looked around in awe blissfully ignorant of Ace's earlier out burst. "I'm sorry, but this is rather urgent," Progenitor said walking towards us, limping, her dress stained with blood.

"I understand," Ace sighed.

"Hello Ben, it's good to see you again," Progenitor greeted the game character gone wrong.

"Yo, and you too Progenitor," Ben returned her kindness.

Then Progenitor's eyes landed softly on Sally. "And who might you be, little one," she asked, kneeling down to her level.

"I'm Sally," she said nervously blushing.

"Hmm...your light was snuffed out so quickly, and by family at that, at least however you've found a new family," Progenitor said hugging her.

Sally seemed to smile, happy that someone knew this aside from her new family. Then Progenitor snapped back to the reason she was here. Lyra seemed to watch Progenitor squirm.

Lyra's P.O.V.

Progenitor, may have had an urgent message, but seemed to be struggling with how, or where to start. "...I know you're nervous...but it might be better if you didn't spare us details...things have to be pretty bad, so speak up," Lui said, making us almost forget he was the same person.

I blushed a little, getting a bit jealous. I held back though, knowing he just wanted her to explain. "Well then," Progenitor said, her voice holding pain, maybe due to being attacked, maybe emotional, either way, it made me flinch. "This, all of these attacks, are because of Jezebel. She is trying to take out Slenderman as well. So as we have handled the ones on our land, I would like to visit my old friend. They have no clue, what they're up against."

Ace shook her head, she seemed confused. "Wait, I thought Aunt Mai killed her. How can she be."

"Mai didn't leave her alive intensionally I'm sure. I can assume that Jezebel used her powers to hide her life's energy. At any rate, Slits and, Jeff the Killer are fighting together. Ace did you make weapons for her recently?"

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