Chapter 1

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I desperately pulled my suitcase after me, trying to protect myself from the rain with the wrapping of a cheeseburger. On the other side of the street, I saw a fuzzy bus station. I looked left and right, then ran across the street - with my suitcase - while two motorcycles and a car almost hit me. I wanted to get away from the rain under the glass of the bus station, surprised that I was the only one with that plan. But then realised why, I looked up and saw that the glass had big holes, there was no way to get under there without having rain in your face still.

Angrily and with tears streaming from my eyes, I kicked my suitcase, causing it to fall into a puddle and opening. "Shit!" I cussed. I expected my voice to be loud but no noise came out between my lips, my throat was dry and I couldn't speak anymore. I bent down and packed all of my wet clothes back into the suitcase again, shutting it.

Something fell out of the pocket of my jeans. I picked up the damn lighter and fumbled for something in my bag that I had over my shoulder. Why not?, I thought. I had stopped smoking for him, for us. But us didn't exist anymore so I tried to lighten the wet cigarette with my wet lighter and wet hands, while my wet lips were trying to hold the cigarette which only made it wetter. Of course it didn't work. I looked around in desperation, was there really nothing around here? No, not even a motel, no bar. Just some family houses. And I wouldn't ring there. I put my suitcase down and sat on it. But under my weight and the small space it was standing on, it fell back and I landed in a puddle with my ass. "What the...?" I freaked but no noise came from my mouth again.

How could he just have been such a jerk and throw me out when there was such a storm out here? I hadn't thought about that, I could've just stayed in the hallway but I had been way too busy pulling a dramatic exit. One with pride but that hadn't been possible anymore obviously, I had shut the door and ended up in the rain instead. On the stairs, I had slipped in my heels and gotten a bruise on my arm. Why didn't I unpack other shoes or some pullover? Because I only had sleeveless dresses and sexy underwear with me. Just what you take when you visit your boyfriend for a weekend and have a long flight behind you. Of course it hadn't been planned that my so called "boyfriend" would kick me out and literally leave me standing in the rain.

I gave up on the cigarette, groaning in frustration and threw it onto the street. Of course I didn't have an umbrella either. All my "warm" clothes ... I was wearing them. Skinny jeans, a shirt with a light jacket and heels. I didn't know what I had been thinking while I had been packing my stuff. Oh, wait. I knew. I had thought of him. I had thought of that pathetic prick. Just because he had moved away for a job, he had cheated on me. And he couldn't have told me on the phone, no! He didn't think of that to maybe spare me the flight and the humiliation. No, he had to see that live because he had just spontaniously decided to rather tell me than keep it secret like he had originally planned. Keep it a secret that he had cheated on me with some stripper that he had met at a club. But he had only found out later that she was a stripper because she wasn't "working" when he had met her. That of course hadn't really interested me at all. But because I had been so frozen, I couldn't tell him that and he had kept talking and talking to torture me as much as possible.

I got the dark feeling that he was proud of what he did. He was proud that he wasn't coming off as the nice and proper gentleman he thought he normally was. But he wasn't. Never. How could I have loved him? How could I still love him? I mean, it wasn't even fucking over! I wanted to throw things at him, insult him but I still loved him. I loved his beautiful eyes, his husky voice, his messed up hair. His actually really cheesy talk on the phone at night, his promises to never leave me alone. Oh man and I had taken those promises seriously!

Back at his place I had freaked out, taken my stuff and run out. Until I had come into this part of town, without any clue where I actually was.

My phone vibrated in my pocket but I didn't care. Why did he have to move? Because of his damn job, in this damn town! I missed the times when we were still living together. The waterfights in the bathroom, the walks through the night and the staying in together when it was raining outside. Where had those times gone? It seemed like that had never meant anything to him and now that I knew the truth, now that he had made his confession ... the truth made anything else look like a cold lie. And that was all I could think about.

I looked down at myself. All my clothes were sticking to my body, my heels were wet inside, I slipped around in them and my hair was hanging down into my face in wet strands. I packed the lighter away and started walking forward again. I couldn't just stand in the rain forever, there must have been something somewhere. Or maybe I could wait for the bus. I turned around again and looked at the plan that was full of raindrops. I had missed the last bus, of course! I had enough money to pay for a motel but I needed to find one first! I had to find something! So I went into the direction I had come from. I didn't want to ring up some house and ask for the way. No, that would've been way too embarrassing. I kept walking, my feet hurt.

Suddenly I saw a taxi drive past me. I waved like a mad person but it didn't really notice me and just drove by. "Thanks a lot!" I wanted to scream after it even though the driver wouldn't have heard me but my voice was gone anyway. So asking for the way was out of the question too actually. I had forgotten about that. I walked on and on. The houses all looked the same and the streets became smaller until I walked through a dark alley. I swore that I hadn't been there when I had been driving to see Michael. Back when the taxis hadn't ignored me, like now. I just kept walking and hoped that the alley I unfortunately had gotten into would end soon and turn into a bigger street. Where something was open, maybe. Even if I had wanted to drown my pain in alcohol, I couldn't have because there was no bar to be found anywhere!

Finally the way became wider again and I was on the pavement again, walking down under a bridge where I stayed for a while. I leaned my suitcase against a brick wall and sat down on it. There was no electricity here so I could maybe dry my hair, huh?

And then I saw it. Just across the street, a god damn motel! I pulled my suitcase after me and ran through the rain that had become - even though I thought it wasn't possible - stronger. I walked into the motel and stood there for a second. Even though I pulled this really pathetic appearance, the lady at the reception desk didn't even look up. She was reading a big brown book and had her head down. She had earphones in her ears and a really old MP3-Player was lying in front of her, probably back from the years where they were invented. I walked over to her with my suitcase and when she didn't look up still, I rang the bell next to her. She jumped and looked up quickly, her earphones fell out and you could quietly hear classical music blasting out of them. Did you get stuff like that on MP3?

"Sorry, can I help you?" she asked and raised her eyebrows. Her hair was grey, tied back into a ponytail. "I'd like to check in-..." "For how long?" She had a big wart on her cheek but I decided not to make fun of her because she probably held back her laughter too while I was looking that great, with all with wet clothes that were sticking to my body. "Just one night" I replied. "Are you waiting for someone? Or just for you?" she asked. She couldn't be serious, right?, I thought. "Alone..." I said with a heavy heart. "Alright." She opened a drawer and handed me a key. "The lift's borken, you have to take the stairs. Your room is on the fourth floor." "Thanks."

So I took my suitcase and walked up. When I arrived at my room, I wasn't just wet from the rain but also from sweat. Great. I unlocked the door and stood in a grandma room. Something a little old lady would live in, visiting friends in town. But it was away from the rain which was what counted.

I kicked my suitcase inside and shut the door loudly. I took a shower. When I dried my hair I saw a dead spider, sticking to the mirror, secretly thanking the previous owner of this room for sharing my hate against spiders. I had washed all the anger and eveything from my body now and slipped into bed without eating anything.

But little did I know what all those incidents would cause soon or actually already had.

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