Chapter 17

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I was nervous about meeting Benji because I knew it'd be absolutely inappropriate to fangirl. I was a huge Good Charlotte fan and also a fan of him as a person with everything that he did. Waiting in a café in the middle of town, I was getting more and more nervous. It wasn't full and the coffee wasn't very good but that didn't matter because all of that was irrelevant compared to getting this job and making a good impression.

Benji walked in and I waved to let him know who he was looking for because we had never met and Pete had probably only shown him a photo of me. He came over to me and I stood up, shaking his hand. "You must be Charlotte" he said. I smiled and nodded. "Yes, Charlotte Miller but please, call me Charlie." He smiled too. "Benji. You can call me that." "Alright." He sat down and looked at the cup in front of me. He looked so good, it was unreal. It was too much for the fangirl in me. "Is the coffee bad?" he asked. I nodded. "Really bad, don't order one." He laughed. "Well, Pete wasn't kidding when he said you were pretty." I blushed instantly. "What? He didn't say that, did he?" I questioned. "He sure did." His smile killed me. "What the shit is wrong with him?" I stuttered. Benji smirked. "Nothing because he was obviously right. I like your style." I looked down at myself, wearing shorts and a Ramones shirt tucked into them, also heels. My hair was just put up in a weird hairstyle because it was too warm to wear it down. And I was wearing decent make-up so what was there to like about my style exactly? "Thanks..." I said and absently took a sip of the coffee. "I thought that stuff was bad" Benji grinned. I pressed my lips together to not spit it out. "Yeah but it's still coffee" I said, grimacing. "I still regret it though." Benji laughed. "So, Pete said you're pretty reliable. I won't annoy you with boring questions, I need an assistant urgently and if we get along, you're hired. I just have to know that I can trust you. Hopefully, you know the scene a little." "I think I do" I nodded. "Are you good at organizing stuff?" I nodded again. "Yeah, pretty much." "Well, if you don't have a problem with travelling around a little bit, you're in." "I love travelling" I smiled. "Perfect."

When I got back to Pete's, I only had a few hours to pack some stuff because Benji had told me that he actually wanted to introduce me to the work a little and take me down to a party in Chicago that he was going to. So I arranged the flight because it was very last minute and also contacted his brother for him because they wanted to meet there. I felt like I was into the job already when I was calling airlines and trying to book a flight. "Are you alright?" Pete asked when he came into the kitchen. "I nodded. "Yeah, I just have to book a limousine now." He laughed. "Look at you, miller! Working all fancy, are you meeting Benji at the airport?" "Yes but since I sold my car I thought oyu might just want to drive me." "Of course, no problem."

When Pete drove me to the airport, we were blasting Blink and singing along like mad people, singing wrong notes on purpose. We failed the same lyric parts and got the same parts right but we always sang the same. Singing along like idiots, we were driving down the highway when Pete said: "Hey, wanna get some ice-cream? There's a McDonalds over there." "Are you kidding? You know that you're driving me to the airport, yeah?" He laughed. "I bet Benji told you to be there early, right?" I nodded. "He always does that, you can be late." "Probably doesn't make the very best impression." "I know him, he won't mind." "I'll blame you if he gets mad." "I take full responsibility but he doesn't get mad."

After getting ice-cream, we played Blink again until we got to the airport. Pete carried my stuff inside and I followed him quickly. He was right, Benji wasn't mad. We said Goodbye and got on the plane. "It's awesome that I found a new assistant so quickly, a gorgous one too" Benji said. I blushed. "It's really cute but please, stop complimenting me" I said. He just smiled. "Since you're coming to the party with me, I took the liberty of buying you a dress. I'll show you at the hotel. What did you book?" "Um, I got rooms in the hotel your brother is staying at too." "Did you book two rooms?" "Of course." "What makes that so normal?" "I didn't think you'd want to share a room with me." "Oh, you should've just gotten separate beds, that would've been fine." "Sorry, I'll remember it for next time." "It's alright."

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