Chapter 33

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  • Dedicated to all the other Pete fangirls out there

I changed the channel, looking for something that wouldn't make me die from boredom. Just when I decided to watch some comedy show, I heard steps on the stairs and saw the little guy approach me. "Oh, Bronx, sweetie, why aren't you asleep?" I asked. He climbed onto the couch and sat next to me, I put my arm around his shoulder. He looked scared. "I had a nightmare and I can't sleep again now." "Oh, no ... what did you dream about?" I asked, worrying. "There was this ... b-big monster." "But monsters can be cool too, you know?" I said and tried to distract him. "It was really scary though" he said quietly. "What was it doing?" I was afraid of saying something wrong but Pete wasn't here and I just wanted Bronx to feel better. "It stood in the forst, no one saw it at first because it was green." "Did it hurt anybody?" "Luckily not but I was scared it would." I picked him up and placed him on my lap. "Do you know what I think?" I asked mysteriously. His eyes widened. "What?" he asked. I smiled. "I think it was a nice monster." "But it kept screaming." "You know, maybe it wanted to protect everyone from the real danger." Bronx smiled at me. I smiled back and messed up his hair. He was just so cute. "Do you really think it was a nice monster?" "Yeah, I have no doubt." "How come?" "You know, honey, my sister used to have dreams like that too when we were younger. So we found out it was a nice monster that comes into dreams." "I'm not convinced." I smiled. "Do you want to know a secret?" His eyes started to sparkle. "Yes." "Well, if you think about your dream you had earlier really carefully while you try to fall asleep again, then you can actually control your dream and decide what happens. Maybe you could befriend that monster." He smiled again. "Yeah, I could try that!"

He looked at the TV screen. "What are you watching?" "A comedy show but it's really boring." "Where's dad?" "Oh, he had to go over to Gabe's, there was a problem with the album Gabe's band is releasing." "I liked their older albums better." I laughed. "You know them?" "Yeah." "Do you like Cobra Starship? That's awesome." "Yeah, dad always shows me music in the car." "Amazing..." I said, amused by the fact that Pete was trying to raise his kid listening to that kind of music. "Would you read something for me before I go back to sleep?" Bronx asked. "Of course, sweetie, what do you wanna read?" "I'll get a book, okay?" "Yeah, sure." He got up and disappeared upstairs. When he came back, he handed me a book and I opened it, starting to read to him as Bronx wrapped his arms around me and rested his head against my shoulder.

After some time, he just fell asleep and I lied him down on the couch next to me, putting a blanket over him so he wouldn't be cold. I turned off the TV, then leaned back and closed my eyes, thinking about the fact that it really kind of was like having a kid, taking care of Bronx. I probably wouldn't be able to raise a child myself anyway so this was actually a lot better.

I woke up when I felt a kiss on my forehead. Pete was sitting next to me. "How long did he stay up?" he whispered and pointed at Bronx. I sat straight and smiled. "He had a nightmare so I read this book to him until he fell asleep again." "You'd be such a good mum" Pete said. "I'm glad you took care of him." "Yeah, me too." Pete lifted Bronx up into his arms carefully and carried him upstairs, I followed him and turned off the light in the living room. Pete brought Bronx to bed and closed the door without waking him up.

When he came back into the bedroom, I was just changing. "Sorry" he said. "Nothing you haven't seen before" I said and made a step towards him, kissing him forcefully. He smiled on my lips and ran his hands up and down my sides. "See, I told you I'm not introducing Bronx to anybody that's gonna leave my life." Warmth spread around my heart when I heard him say that. "And I won't leave, I promise" I said. He lied me down on the bed and kissed my neck. "I love you" he said and got me out of the rest of my clothes while I also started undressing him. I pulled him closer and his hands were all over me, caressing my skin. I let out a soft moan as he left marks all over my neck and chest again. My hands wandered over his body as his lips met mine again and he bit my bottom lip. He got his tongue at mine, playing around with it. I pulled down his boxers and he rested his forehead against mine, looking deeply into my eyes when I felt his fingers between my legs. My eyes shut immediately from the pleasure and I sighed.

A few seconds later, he removed his fingers and positioned on me, slowly pushing in, his eyes locked with mine. He locked his lips and took my hands as I moaned again, louder this time. He stroked into me again, moaning too and starting to move faster, making me cry out in pleasure.

When we both came down from our highs, he rolled off me and pulled me closely into his arms, kissing my hair. Because I couldn't reach his lips, I just placed little kisses on his chest. "You're so beautiful." I blushed and smiled, luckily he couldn't see it. "All I need is just feeling your head lying on my chest" he whispered. My heart fluttered. "You're so cheesy" I smirked. He laughed. "You love it though." "Yeah, I love you too."

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