Chapter 4

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When I blinked and my eyes opened, I felt a pain in my head immediately, fuck. I sat straight and already felt a little weak and dizzy. Everything was spinning around. I looked around and tried to figure out my situation. Where was I? I didn’t know this room. I was sitting in a big double bed, alone. Well, that was a good start at least. I hadn’t just gotten drunk and fucked some stranger. That would’ve been really pathetic and probably would have attacked my ego quite a bit.

The curtains were closed but I could see the sun shining through them and beside them. I ignored the pain in my head and searched for a clock. Fuck, it was so late? I had assumed it was about 7 or 8am! I got out of the stranger’s bed quickly and when I got to the door of the bedroom, I opened it and that’s when I remembered. Oh my god, fuck. This must’ve probably been … no. It couldn’t be. I slowly opened the door, trying not to squeak. I had been drunk yesterday so maybe I had kept my fangirling under control and not misbehaved too much. But fuck! Was this Pete’s house? Had I spent the night at Pete Wentz’ place? Shit. What the fuck was that all about? I looked down at myself, at least we hadn’t had sex. Oh … what was I saying? At least? That wouldn’t have been so bad! Wait, what was I talking about, dammit?! I didn’t even know him, I was so confused.

I heard soft music playing downstairs so I decided to make my way down the stairs as quietly as possible, heels in my hand and bag over my shoulder. I didn’t care how my hair or make-up looked, my head hurt way too much and I just wanted to find out what the fuck was going on. I entered what appeared to be the kitchen, it looked far too big to be an actual kitchen though. Pete was sitting at a table next to the counter. “Good morning, Miss! Can I interest you in coffee?” he asked with a smirk. I came over to him and nodded. “Sit, sit!” he said and walked over to the coffee machine, getting a can and a cup. He handed me the steaming mug. “Black?” he asked. I nodded again. “Thanks.”

I stared at him in fascination. I couldn’t believe where I was, that this was actually happening to me. He was just wearing boxers with comic squares on it, a white shirt with an anchor in the middle and tennis socks. I admired the tattoos on his arms, his face was looking surprisingly awake and fit. Why wasn’t he hungover?

“Do you have something for my head?” “Sure!” he said, getting up and coming back with a little box. After taking a painkiller, I felt a little better. I then looked up at him to take care about the next bad thing. “How much did I embarrass myself last night?” I asked and took a sip of my coffee. He laughed. “Not more than I did.” “You obviously remember stuff, I don’t.” “Not at all?” “Some parts are slowly coming back to my mind. Thanks for taking care of me though.” “You protested a little.” “Did I?” “Yeah and then you tried to hit on me a little” he smirked, clearly amused. I buried my face in my hands. “What?” He laughed again, quietly. “You just asked me to sleep in bed with you.” “Oh my god, I am so sorry! You must think I’m the weirdest bitch ever now!” “No, don’t worry. I’ve been drunk before, I know you do things you wouldn’t do sober and it feels like you weren’t yourself after.” “Exactly!” “Tell me about it. You want anything to eat? You must be starving.” “Um … yes, actually. If I’m not annoying you or keeping you from something you have to do.” “Alright, you’re not!” He got up and started searching through the kitchen cupboards.

“Froot Loops?” he asked with a smirk. “They’re so bad” I laughed. “That’s what makes them good!” “You’re right, bring ‘em on!” He got two bowls on the table and poured the colorful rings in. “We could mix with cereal” he suggested. “If you want to go completely crazy” I laughed. “Alright, I used to do this as a child!” “Still doing it!” So we started to eat cereal mixed with Froot Loops. “Breakfast for adults!” Pete said. I grinned. “Oh yes.”

Growing Up - Pete Wentz FanficWhere stories live. Discover now