Chapter 5

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“Thank you for the breakfast and the shower. And the taking me home when I was drunk too!” I said and ran my fingers through my hair nervously. He smiled this beautiful smile of his, I couldn’t even describe the emotion in it. “You’re welcome. Doesn’t this mean you owe me now?” I laughed, shaking my head. “Really? What do I owe you then? Turn left here.” He turned the car left and looked at me with a mischievous smirk playing on his lips. “At least meeting me again. Tomorrow? Come on.” He wanted to play cool but he seemed shy and not sure about asking me this. “Really?” I mocked him. He blushed a little but I wasn’t giving in that easily. “Yes” he stayed stubborn though and stared forward at the street. “Alright. But just because you let me mix Froot Loops with cereal.” He laughed and took my hand, kissing my palm and smiling at me.

I pulled my hand back. “Hey!” I laughed. “Can I ask you something?” he wondered. “Sure, whatever you want.” “That’ts not supposed to sound weird or anything but … how old are you?” I gasped fakely and pretended to be offended. “Is that what you ask a lady?” I joked and he grinned. “How old do you think I am?” I added. “That’s the thing … I can’t figure it out. Really. You’re one of those people where I just have no clue.” “Really?” He nodded. “Which street now?” “Left again.” He turned the car left once more and I looked at him from the side. “I’m not as old as you” I teased. He laughed. “How do you know how old I am?” I smirked. “Because I knew you before you introduced yourself.” He laughed again. “Oh, she’s a fan” I grinned, now not feeling so weird about it anymore. And I was proud of myself, he hadn’t known until now, wow, I was a good actress! He hadn’t noticed my fangirling.

“Tell me how old you are, Charlie, please.” He remembered my name, wow. “I’m twenty-eight.” “And so short?” he mocked. I laughed again. “Hey, you’re not the tallest yourself!” “No, I’m a little guy and that’s why it’s hard to be even shorter than me so congrats, girl! Thanks for telling me your age though, I know it’s against the unwritten rules to ask a girl for her age.” “I’ve never actually met anybody who really minded asking about their age.” “Girls usually lie about it or don’t tell guys at all.” “You’ve met some strange women, Sir!” “Is it here?” he asked as he parked in front of my apartment building.

He wanted to get out of the car but I held him back. “You don’t need to come up with me, it’s a mess up there.” “Are you sure?” he asked hesitantly. “Yeah, thanks anyway!” I kissed his cheek and he smiled. “How about owing me coffee?” he asked, obviously trying again. “I’ll tweet you, Wentz” I smirked with a smug grin. “What?” “I follow you on Twitter, I’ll tweet you.” “But how am I supposed to find you? What’s your Twitter name?” “I’ll tweet you, trust me.” “Not to sound like a douche but I get thousands of mentions every day.” I got out of the car and shut the door without another word.

He rolled down the window as I approached the front door. “Charlie!” “We’ll see how important it is to you!” This was my test, I wasn’t easy. I wouldn’t fall for a guy so easily again! If he cared, he’d take care of it. I wouldn’t just give him my number, he’d have to make an effort so I could see he was serious and not just having the intention to fuck me. “I’ll find your Twitter, trust me!” “We’ll see!” I sang back and unlocked the door, getting into the building. He waved at me and drove away.

I got up with the lift and felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Who was calling me now? Well, maybe Mandy or Sofia wanted to check on me. Oh, fuck. I had already missed some calls from them. “Yes?” “Hey, bitch!” “Callie, hey. What’s up?” “Sofia and Mandy have been desperately trying to reach you. Why haven’t you been picking up? You were out last night, what did you do after?” “Um … I got a little drunk and then…” “Who took you home, girl?” Her voice rose to a higher pitch. I laughed. She always assumed stuff like that with her dirty mind. “Um … Pete Wentz.” I heard her gasp on the other end. “What the fuck, bitch? I’m coming over right now and you’re going to tell me all about it!” “But…” “See you in a second.” She hung up and I opened the door to my apartment.

After cleaning up, Callie was already there. She hugged me tightly and dragged me over to the couch. “Tell me everything!” she demanded. “There isn’t much to tell. Nothing really happened. We battled eachother with pathetic stories while drinking shots at his club and I had a little too much, no idea how he managed to walk straight still. But he took me home to his place…” “And? What happened?” “Nothing.” “You must be lying, you’re a fan of Pete!” “Which is another reason why I didn’t manage to flirt normally.” “And now?” “I told him I’d tweet him and he was desperate because he has so many followers.” “You think he’ll look for you?” “If he does, I’ll know he cares. If not, I know what to think about him.” “Alright, that sounds good. Looks like you’ve thought that through.” “I have, Callie, I have. Do you want a drink?” “Just some water. I’m exhausted from working, are you working tomorrow?” “Unforunately but in the morning only.” “Meeting Pete?” “If he finds my Twitter.” “Tweet him right now!” “Nah, I’ll wait.” “Pretty brave, what if he doesn’t find you? That’ll be a wasted chance.” I shrugged. “Not really, I mean, just because I’m a fan of his … it doesn’t mean he has an excuse.”

Growing Up - Pete Wentz FanficWhere stories live. Discover now