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— izuku midoriya

you were awoken by a loud thunder. you look towards your bright red alarm clock. it read: 3:48am.

frightened, you open the window to see how bad it was. from being woke up by it, your heart was pounding.

in front of your eyes, lightning struck. you run outside of your dorm and go straight to izuku's room. your best friend who wasn't scared of storms.

you bust in the door and you run towards him and hug him tight. you could feel his abs. your eyes widen as you realize that he was shirtless. but you didn't care you just went and sat on his comfortable bed.

"what's wrong, (y/n)?" he asks giving you a adorable grin. "the storm woke me and my room has to many windows do i wanted to know if i could sleep in here. since you know you have a nice room. i uh brought my sleeping bag..!" you say a bit to loudly.

"(y/n) if you want to stay, i'll sleep on the ground and you can sleep on my bed. but you know your not allowed." he says quite confidently.
he was trying to be more confident with his feelings for you, but he could still see that you were completely oblivious to that.
"you need your beauty sleep." he whispers, but you can still hear.

thunder roars once again, this time it brings the lights out. you could hear the rain pouring and hitting against the walls and roof.

you jump and cling onto him. you can feel him put his arms around you. he blushes, not knowing what to do. "(y/n), get in the bed. you'll be okay." he assures you.

you lay in his bed. you could hear him walking away. "izuku?"
"yes? you need something..?"

"can y-you please lay here with me?"
he hesitates to walk over towards you but soon enough he does. he lays next to you and looks at you. the beautiful moonlight lights across your face.

highlighting your glowing (e/c) eyes. he saw a tear form in your eye and lead down your cheek.

he frowned, not liking you crying.

another loud roar was heard. "eEK" you squealed like a little girl. you hated storms. ever since you were a kid. your dad had died from a severe lightning quirk someone had while it was raining. you were 6 and you saw your dad die in front of your eyes.

another tear drops from your glossing eyes as
you felt a arm go around your waist.

"i sure hope i'm doing this right.. AND I HOPE SHE EVEN LIKES ME THIS wAY..!"

you smile and close your eyes.
"thank you izuku." you could feel his heartbeat and it was rapid.

"n-no problem (y/n). you can calm down now."
he hugs you closer and tighter in his grip. you could feel his abs through your tank top.

hotness had risen to your cheeks before you knew it.
"izuku has very nice abs" you thought

"hmm.. izuku?"

"y-yeah? (y/n)..?"

"you must work out a lot. you got a nice body."
you felt your heart skip a beat.

"oh uhm thank you, (y/n) y-you have a really nice body too?"
he laid his head in your neck as you felt his breath hit your skin. he was asleep.

you closed your eyes once again and fell into a deep slumber.


you wake up to people surrounding you and izuku.

you turn over to see yours and his legs intertwined and you guys holding on to each other. your face goes fully red and you wake izuku up.

"IM SORRY" he yells and then he realizes the whole 1-A class in his room.

he faints and you facepalm.

never thought i'd fall in love with my best friend with thanks from my worst fear.

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