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y/n bakugou, the strongest in the class. some would say that katsuki bakugou is, but that's definitely not what a certain red haired boy would.

a lot of people ask eijirou kirishima if he liked katsuki or if he had feelings for a specific guy. he hated it.
"hey kirishima, do you fancy bakugou?"
"kacchan. do you like him?"
"kirishima, crush on katsuki much?"
and then the sentence he hated the most from the girl he loved the most:
"hey kiri, do you by any chance have feelings for katsuki?"

the scene of that conversation goes through his head again.

eijirou was walking out of the large school. it was almost fall so the leaves off of the big, cherry blossom trees were falling. it was incredibly beautiful.

as if on key, an angelic voice was spoken behind him. he turned around, once he did all the colors around him disappeared. the only colors he saw was a h/c color, pretty e/c eyes, the most smoothest s/c skin, and just the girl in front of him glowed. the boy was only focused on the girl and nothing else.

"yes, bakugou?" she chuckled, "don't be so formal. it weird to call me by what you call your best friend," she paused looking around at the cherry trees. "call me y/n."

a small breeze came through, making the girl close her eyes. her hair flowed through the wind, making her look like a goddess.

"anyways," he was put out of thought. "hey kiri, do you by any chance have feelings for katsuki?"

the colors around him came once again.

the feelings for the girl stopped for a moment.

he was feeling a feeling he hated.

he wanted to get away.

"huh? no. please don't ask that. i hate it." the girl looked him in the eyes. pure hatred sprouted in them. "o-oh. i'm so sorry. i don't mean for you to hate me for saying that. i'm sorry. i didn't know.." her glossy eyes saying to him that he went to far to the sensitive girl.

she walked away, leaving him alone where the cherry trees' leaves fell.

the last tear fell off his nose onto the paper. he felt this feeling before. in middle school. pure hatred towards himself.

that was so unmanly.

he didn't care if he was manly or not right now. he kept writing. it was just a paper he ripped right in a notebook. he was already half way through.

he couldn't deal with writing anymore of it. he kept thinking of how everyone would cry and care. would they?

no one would care if i just did it.
no one.

the pencil fell out of his hand and he grabbed the paper. he pushed it into his backpack and walked over to turn of his light. he looked one more time at the knife that sat over the desk. once more, a glance towards his arm. he covered the bloody arm, his expression not changing once.

turning the light off, he went to his bed. he didnt sleep that night.

everyone at school was too overly happy and excited on a boring tuesday like so. once eijirou entered the room, one person only noticed the difference of him.

one girl named y/n bakugou. she noticed the bags under his eyes, she noticed the long sleeved shirt he never wears, she noticed the black roots coming from his hair.

she frowned, katsuki noticing. "what the fuck is wrong, y/n? get that ugly frown off your face."
she shook her head and started to walk towards the miserable looking boy.

"everyone, take your seats." before the girl could even talk to the boy, the teacher ruined it.
fucking just my luck.

the day had gone by just like that. it was lunch time.

the girl saw the boy sit next to katsu. she was sitting next to sero and kaminari on the other side. she got a closer look at the handsome boy. he looked absolutely terrible. she noticed that he was wearing his backpack, how unusual.

she realized she was staring, and went back to looking back at her food.

when the bell rang, meaning it was time to go back to school schedule, she saw something fall out of kirishima's bag.

it was a wrinkled paper, which she thought it was a school paper considering how tired he looked staying up to do it.

she picked it up and called out his name but he was already gone.

now came last period. it was boring, reading time for the last ten minutes. she thought she could read some of what the red haired wrote.

she reached into the bag and got out the wrinkled paper. her smile finally faded when she read the first word.


she continued reading, with no content features.

i've been feeling this way for awhile.
i really hate everything i do and i don't think one person thinks highly of me
i don't think any one would care if i did what i've been think for awhile now.
i just wanted to say that i will be not be attending school any day after today.
y/n, i love you and i'm s-

she was cut off reading by old tear marks ruined by new ones. she didn't know she was crying. she didn't know she cared this much.

she realized that,

she too had feelings for him.

a few seconds after the bell rang and she got up and ran towards the entrance of the school. she spotted the red haired boy and ran towards him.

"KIRISHIMA!" the miserable looking guy turned around to be met with the girl of his dreams looking like him. tears pouring down he face, her cheeks red and snot almost coming out of her nose, she looked terrible.

"what the hell," she pushed the paper to him. "is this?!" she cried more while the boy skimmed the paper. his eyes widened at what she found. "you...
wasn't supposed to see that." he looked away, not wanting to face the girl that was almost to the point where she was screaming at him.

surprising him, he felt to hands forcing him to look at the girl. "eijirou kirishima. you are nothing but perfect. you have the best personality and you are so kind to people in need of kindness. you help people more than you think. more people care than what you think. if you think no one cares, your really fucking wrong."

speechless for words he noticed that he didn't see the color on the cherry blossom trees anymore. all he saw was the crying, beautiful girl in front of him. he saw fear in her shiny, e/c eyes. fear that he wasn't going to make it. fear that he wouldn't think anything about what she had said.

as he was about to speak, he heard something he thought he never would hear in a lifetime.

"eijirou kirishima, i love you."

the words stuck his heart, it made him feel like he was whole once again.

he felt soft lips against his. all the color came back once he opened his eyes again. the girl let go of his cheeks to grab his hand.

"i'm sorry. i couldn't help myself.." she spoke, little chuckles escaping.

eijirou just had his first kiss with the girl of his dreams.

and the thing about it was,

it was right in front of the cherry blossom tree where they first talked to each other.

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