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katsuki bakugou

y/n l/n was known as the trouble maker in school, not counting katsuki bakugou though. y/n would yell at people and basically bully people. she was the katsuki of middle school but in high school. she's gotten into a fight with katsuki once, and it was terrible. by terrible, it was that y/n wasn't defeated and katsuki had a fit.

katsuki's quirk doesn't compare with y/n's. katsuki soon gave up trying to be better than her. the girl would from most of the time give him dirty looks, but that's all.

but one day, after 3 weeks of pretending they didn't exist to each other, the met once again.

as katsuki was walking out of the 1A classroom, he realized l/n was running down the halls. her face as she went by was pure terrified. she looked as if she was late to go somewhere. 'asshole thinks that she can run in hallways.'

the boy followed the girl slowly behind. as he got out of the school he saw that she was slowing down a bit and on her phone with a blue case. he walked a little bit faster, but she soon went into a alley way. 'where did she go?'

he walked down a street, no sign of her.

another street, no.

why was he following her? he didn't know.
a frown came upon his lips. "tch, where could she have went?"

when he came in front of a studio of some sort, he saw a phone on the ground. it was blue. 'is this          l/n's?' he turned on the phone and a lock screen of     l/n's cute dog came on.

'yeah this is hers. fucking idiot. should i give it to her..? the blonde opened the door to see a desk and a door to the left with the the words, "dance studio" on it.

there was a woman at the front desk. he went up to her. "hello, are you here for lessons? or something else young sir?" he shook his head. "i'm here to give my," he cringed before saying it. "friend her phone back. she left it at school."

"name of the girl?" the woman asked, going on her computer. "l/n y/n.." her name rolled off his tongue. he wouldn't admit it, but he liked your name. it was pretty.

"oh! y/n.. what a wonderful girl. she would make a great girlfriend, right? anyways she's in the room to the left." she chuckled, leaving the boy in front of her red with steam coming out of his ears.

he walked to the door and it had a side note on it that said, "lessons in progress! please do not disturb unless important!" with that, he slowly opened the door.

he heard the slow kinda upbeat music from the inside. he knew what it was. k-pop. he rolled his eyes and continued to walk in.

"relax my anxiety, if i were to hid my feelings i'd regret it. your sunset...

dance with me, dance with me.."

his eyes widened at the sight he was seeing. the y/n l/n, dancing?

awkwardly in the middle of the song, they made contact. she continued dancing however. she mouthed, "what are you doing?" he understood and held up the girl's phone. her eyes widened at her phone in his hand. finally, she started concentrating  on what she was doing. 

the boy watched as the girl who was always mad and thought that she might grow up to be a villain, dance so peacefully. the way her pretty hair flew when she moved. they way she smiled when she got everything perfect, it all stood out to the blonde.

when the song ended, she took a drink of her water bottle and hurried up towards him. "dude, what the hell?" she grabbed her phone looked at him. "i saw it outside the building."

"what? we're you following me?" he face grew once again terrified like the face she had on while she was running down the halls.

"tch, no you idiot. i was walking to the store for my mom and i just happened to pass by and i found a phone. it just so happened to be yours. thought i'd do you a fucking favor and give it to you before it got stolen."

"thanks, i guess." before the girl could say anything else, her dance instructor came over.

"y/n! is this your boyfriend? he's quite the cutie." the man with a high pitched voice asked the girl. "no! he's not my boyfriend." both of the teens faces were red but they didn't care, actually.

"anyway, mr. jones, i have to go early." his smile fades, but comes back. "oh, well. i like you so you may go." after that he walks away.

katsuki and y/n walk outside the studio together. "bakugou i fucking dare you to tell anyone about this." when she turned to him, she caught a quick glance at a smirk.

the both walked next to each other to their neighborhood. while they were walking, their hands kept touching, but they didn't care. when they made it into the neighborhood, katsuki grabbed her hand and walked a little faster.

the girl saw redness on his ears and smiled. "i'm not going to tell anyone, you little shit. only if you don't tell anyone about this." he spoke up out of nowhere, leaving the girl behind him speechless.

she chuckled. "i like you too.."

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