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you and denki were known as the meme masters. 


denki was meme king
and you were meme lord.

you guys were best friends and have been best friends for years. you guys didn't even know you were going to the same high school which surprised the two of you when you guys saw each other on the first day.

every time you guys see each other you have a dramatic hug.

your quirk was weirdly similar to his.
his was electricity,
your was lightning.

like uh cool right. which they are literally the same but you use yours in a storm way. he doesn't.

everyone in class 1-A hates you guys because you guys are like best friend goals and its fucking annoying.

aizawa has to tell you guys every minute to shut the hell up.

you guys never really were awkward with each other.

until one day.


you and denki were at lunch with bakugou, kiri, and sero.

"kaminari, your not talking a lot.. what's wrong?" you ask, turning to him.

he shakes his head, he was blushing.
"i-it's nothing. would you l-like to go to the beach tonight? or can you..?" he asks and you smile.

"yeah of course. what are we gonna do there?" you joke with him. not expecting him to take it seriously.
he laughs, but it was more like a nervous laugh.
"just chill?"
you nod and go back to eating. you were curious on to what was wrong with him.
it was the end of the school day and you stood waiting for him to catch up to you and walk together.
as he comes next to you and smiles.
"you ready?" you ask him, smiling.
he nods and holds his hand out.

it confused you because you guys never held hands before. but, being his best friend, you take his hand and grin. you didn't think to much of it.

you guys walk to the cliff by the beach after you text your mom.

"so, what was the meaning to coming here?" you ask facing towards him.

"oh i uh... wanted to talk." he replies, blushing as he sat right on the edge.

"okay. you know you can tell me anything. i got you boi." you assure him and grab ahold of his hand.
his face turns red as he turns to the beautiful, large ocean.

you frown as he takes his hand away to run it in his hair.
"(y/n), i-i need to tell you something."
you nod and look him in his eyes.
"your so pretty, honestly."

you blush along with a small "eh?"
"you have the best personality, your humor matches with mine so well. along with your quirk also." his nervous laughs replay in your head as you knew where this was going.

but you wanted to hear him say it.

"i think your the bestest friend i could ever have. but the thing is.. for a very long time, i-i've wanted more than friendship. it's just been too long a-and i can't wait any longer to see if the feeling is the same for you. i just think i need to see if we can still be cool if you don't think of me as the same. i know i'm not a boy that's in your dreams or a boy you seem attractive or as hot as todoroki. yes i know you like todoroki. but i don't really care. i just want you to be happy and that's all i care about."

as soon as you open your mouth to speak his voice fills the air with yet more stuff that made your heart flutter with love.

"(y/n). your the cutest,funniest,dumbest thing alive. and i fucking love you."

he shakes his head, "you have the most perfect body to me and everything about you matches with what a want and need in my life, you."

you stay there, stunned.

"denki, i-i"

"you don't have to say anything. i just need a nod or shake of your head for one question: will you be my girlfriend?"

you nod and smile.

"oh wow." he spits out.
you chuckle as he uses his quirk of excitement.

his dumb self starts walking around.

a butterfly comes around him and lands on your hand. "awe look denki it's a-"

"is that a pigeon?"

"okay yeah time to go home." you drag him towards your house as you felt so bad for his short circuited dumb ass.
you knew it wasn't going to be long until he changed back into his dumb self.

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