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lol i was in the car writing this while the song "pocket full of sunshine" was playinhgh you cant even expect this to be even the slightest of good. -

you and your cousin, rockman mcrock aka:kirishima, were hanging out for the weekend.
you were coming in from tokyo.
you were starting yuuei in two days.

let's just say you had a thing for using duck tape.
honestly what the fuck
your quirk was making things stick to each other.

you and kirishima was on your way to his friend, sero's house.
"so does sero have a quirk?" you start to make convo as he drove down a street. "he can make t a p e"
the word ran in your head like tenya does when a wamen falls and he runs to help her.
r e s p e c t w a h m e n

anyway, y'all pulled in his driveway and got out.

"now, sero is cool and all but his jokes are like all dad jokes. be manly and fake laugh to make him happy." you nod, trying not to chuckle from what your happy cousin had said.

he slowly knocked on the door. "COMe In ItS oPen!" you heard yelling from inside.

a black haired guy was cooking in the stove when kiri and you entered. "hey kirishima, and a girl?" the guy confusingly greeted when he saw you.

"this is my cousin, y/n. she's here from tokyo."
he nods and replies that he made noodles.

y'all sit down and eat some noods. "this is good..sero? was it?" you ask as you compliment his cooking. "yeah. your name is really pretty. do you have a quirk?"

you nod. "i uh stick to things like a normal person would, you know?"
he laughs," that's cool. i uh make tape from my elbows like a normal person."

you both smile and continue eating your noodles.
kirishima looks at the both of you and he is shook.
did i just make a start of a great relationship?

after you guys eat your go to sero's room and sit to play video games.

sero let's you and him play first. and again and again. kirishima didn't do a thing with sero yet. it was just you and sero.

next, you guys played a board game. you both skipped kiri's turns.

it's like he wasn't even there.

it was time for you guys to leave and you guys left with saying bye 29282819 times.


it was your first day at U.A.

"we have a new student, i suppose you've already saw her.. if you didn't i think you need to see the nurse." aizawa says as his monotone voice goes through the room.

everyone turns to you and either waves, smiles, or welcomes you.

except, of course kirishima and sero. which you already knew both of them.


it was the end of the day and everyone was asking if you were free to spend time with. you politely declined, saying you were already going to hang out with your cousin.

kirishima, sero and denki came up to you. "okay y/n, were going to the park to hang out." you nod and ask if the two other boys were coming. he nods and starts walking without you.

you guys get to the park and sero has already asked you if you wanted to play hide n seek.
as y'all start playing, kirishima and denki start a conversation about how you and sero were like soulmates.

"y/n and sero have only known each other for two days. what the hell have i done." he sighs, looking at denki.

"dude. sero's your future cousin."

sero and you walk up to denki and kirishima. "hey kiri, guess what?"

he tilts his head. "what does a vegetarian zombie eat?" you manage to spit out as you and sero is trying hard to not laugh.

"grains." you say as you and sero both start laughing.

kirishima and denki look at each other with hopeless eyes. "yeah. they're made for each other."

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