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erm don't read thIs

katsuki was your childhood bully. he bullied you because of your quirk. it could turn you into whatever animal you wanted. he always thought you got to much attention for your quirk and he got nothing.

and you also never paid attention to his quirk. he hated that. you were always so mean to him while he was mean to you. he also hated that. he liked you because you were different. he knew he was better than you, he also knew you had a quirk that was as good as his.

you were now in high school, going to the school of your dreams. U.A. it was the first day and you were hoping it was going to be great. katsuki and your best friend, izuku were in your class.

looking towards the door, you see a guy with a yellow thing he was in.

"hello i'm your homeroom teacher blah blah blah."

he gets out of his caterpillar. "put on these." he held up a outfit that was red and blue. "we're going outside."

we had gotten outside. "today we are taking a quirk apprehension test."

everyone was confused by it but you understood.
"bakugou, since you got first in the exam, how many meters did you throw in middle school?"

bakugou rolled his eyes and answered, "60 something"

"here, throw the ball with your quirk activated." sensei said, throwing the ball in bakugou's direction.

he threw the ball, "DIE!" yelling doing so.

i grin. he's scary but it's kinda cute.

"705.3 meters"
or something like that

everyone was gasping saying how fun it looks or it would be cool to see how they would do until sensei said:

"whoever gets last is expelled lol"

which wasn't fair. but we all still tried to keep out complaining.

after the other test it came back to me, in the throwing the softball.

i stepped up, sighing. i don't know how i'm going to be able to do this. i turn into a dinosaur human, which i could do because i'm cool and don't ask.

and threw the ball.

"800.4 meters"

some people congratulated me and was confused by my quirk.

bakugou however was not impressed.


it was the end of the day and you were walking home. that was until bakugou decided to tease you.

"hey. freak. your quirk was extra funny today. you looked half stupid."
you frown, trying to keep your tears in while still waking.  "s-stop would you..?"

he laughed. "your stupid if you think i am."
"why are you like that? what the fuck have i done to you!? all i've done to you was congratulate you on how great you've done! and what the fuck do you do? the exact opposite."
you sigh and a tear rolls down your cheek.

katsuki feels terrible as he watches the tear fall.
"you never-"

all the sudden you were snatched in a alleyway.
you could feel a gun push into your temple.
you hiss of the headache it was giving you.
bakugou was taken afar from this he looked into the alley and he saw you getting taken away by some man with a gun.

his eyebrows furrow together and he runs up to him and almost blows his head off with explosions. 

you fall towards the ground, confused. "wh-why? why did you do that? i can take care of myself!"
he shakes his head and takes your hand calmly.
'what the fuck'
but, you don't pull away. something about his touch right now, is calm and great.

you and bakugou walk to the park, where you guys stay until it gets dark.
"it's getting dark.. why did we even come here if we weren't going to be nice to each other?"

he shakes his head and turns to you.
his crimson eyes burn into yours.

seconds later you could feel his lips on yours.
it feels like he was dying to kiss you. his lips smash into yours. not roughly, but not exactly gently.
you kiss back and close your eyes. his hand reaches your face and stays there as he deepens the kiss.
you finally pull away as you both sit there in silence until you speak.

"what the actual fuck."

"you never actually appreciate my quirk like you do to everyone else."
he smiles. 'HE SMIleD?'
"i got the best girlfriend"

"you really have a girlfriend and you just kissed me?!"

his face turned back to its normal self as he stands up.
"god your a fucking idiot but i love you so that matters."

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