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hitoshi shinsou

you've been begging your boyfriend, shinsou, to get you a cat for the longest time. but he doesn't seem to be amused.

"pleaseeeee?" you beg once more as he shakes his head and puts it in a pillow.
"no. how many times have i tOLD YOU?"
"not enough. pleeeaaaaseeeee

you and him have been in his dorm for 3 hours and all you have done was beg for a damn cat.

your birthday was coming up and ironically, it was
your guys' anniversary. ~your one year.

he didn't know what to do for your birthday nor your guys' anniversary.

so he grabbed your hand and dragged you to the class 1-A dorms, where he left you.

he went to the pet store and started looking at cats. he didn't see any kittens so he left the store.

he went to 2 more pet shops, but still didn't see any.
so he went back to the dorms.

two days have past and he's been looking for a kitten.
until your birthday came and he realized that you had a dying love for tigers.

so early in the morning he went to the zoo.
it took a while to hypnotize everyone but he eventually got a damn tiger for you.

you know, it's normal to be walking around with a tiger beside you.

he locked the tiger in his room and went to the class 1-A dorms, where your birthday party was being held.

"hey, shinsou!" uraraka smiles and waves to him. "y/n's over there~!"
pointing over to your direction.

your face lit up when you saw everyone was in the room.

it was time for presents.

one by one, you opened up presents. everyone was your friend so you had a lot of presents.

broccoli got you a new vanity set up.
which was a lot of money. you thanked him a lot and hugged him :3. shinsou rolled his eyes and ran to go get the tiger.

rock boi and meme master got you a giant teddy bear.

king explosion murder got you a bunch cat shirts.

as it came to the last present, you looked around for your boyfriend. "where's shinsou?"

until he walked in with a tiger.

everyone's face was filled with fear as yours was all happiness. "IS THIS MINE?"

he nods and you give the tiger a hug. shinsou has hypnotized a baby tiger to love you.

"happy birthday." he says as he gives you a chocolate box. "and happy anniversary."

you give him a big hug as everyone says aww but is frankly still scared of the baby tiger that is in the room.

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