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"urngggng.." your voice moaned out at 7:40 in the morning.
your e/c eyes opened and immediately closed.

today, you had cramps, so it meant that..

"ah shit." you removed your blanket and looked at the little puddle of blood that stayed there. you walked to the bathroom, took a look in the mirror and then to the toilet.

after about five minutes of shitting, you went to wipe and roll your pants up. until you realized there was blood all in them.

you got bare naked and went to your room, looking for a large shirt. after looking for a hard three seconds, you found a nice large all might hoodie.

as soon as you put it on you realized that it wasn't yours. it was actually your classmates. todoroki shoto.

now, you had a big ass crush on this gorgeous hunk of meat. you remember the time you first time you talked to him AND got the sweatshirt. like two in one, get some.

it was the week after the internships, and you and todoroki saw each other at the grocery. you both waved and went your ways. until, he came back and gave you a bracelet you lost at school. you thanked him and before you could go he asked you if you were free to hang out. and that night, was just so happened to be cold and he gave you his sweatshirt.

now you guys are good friends.

today was saturday so you didn't have school. good thing...

but, you just realized. you didn't have any pads.
"oh shit."
you pulled your phone out and started a group chat.

you :
hey? can anyone come over rn

smallmight :
are u okay? well i can't i'm training with all might

uraraka :
^^training too but what's wrong

iidatenya33 :
yes i would also know what is the matter

lordofexplokills :
no one cares

you rolled your eyes and began typing again.

you :
i started my period this morning and i don't have any pads...
i need someone to come over and get me pads

todoroki :
are you okay?
i am free. i will come over.

you smiled and typed a quick "okay" before setting your phone down.

he lived sorta far away, so you decided to start a bath. you took off his hoodie and turned the nob until it met with the red side.

when you sat in for a minute, you wanted to turn on music. it was boring with out it.
the first song you turned on was rap god. good god you knew all the lyrics.

"iM bEgInIng to Feel lIke a Rap gOd, Rap gOd,"
this, right here was your shit.

you screamed, you didn't hear the door open.

"why be a king ... WHEn yOu cAn bE a God."

the music ended when you finally heard a knock on the bathroom door. "yes?"

"its todoroki..." you whole face lit up with embarrassment and amusement.
"oh! uhm i'll be out in a minute. make yourself at home."

todoroki went up to your bedroom. he assumed your mom wasn't home. he sat on your bed and frowned. it smelled great in your room.

meanwhile you stood there in the bathroom trying not to cry because all you had to wear out of that bathroom was his hoodie. nothing else at all.

sighing, you gave up and put it on. you opened the door and walked into the living room. you figured he went to your room and so you went there.

you looked inside your open room to see todoroki looking at the polaroid pictures that hung up. "uhm, so..."

right as he looked at you, his blushed face had gotten redder. seeing you in his hoodie and nothing else.

"hi, todo." you waved as you leaned up against your wall.

"hello. you needed me here for something?" he turned back towards you, making sure not to look down.

"uh yeah... could you uh go out and get me some pads? at like the dollar store-"

"do you need anything else?" he interrupted you. "no, i don't. thank you."

todoroki got up and starting walking towards your door. "also, while i'm out try not to get dirty..?" he cringed but you chuckled and nodded showing him you knew what he was trying to say.

you sighed LARGELY when he finally walked out of the house.  "i'm such a loser!"

to pass the time, you stuffed toilet paper in your panties and laid on the couch playing a very very annoying game.

"oh yes, this time i'll get them!" you yelled to yourself , it was your fourth round. "ILL BE EGGMAN THIS TIME!" you cheered yourself on as you pressed X to to start the game.

"sonic and saga all stars racing!"

it counted down the numbers, you grinned like bakugou. sinister. you were now a murderer. yes. a murderer OF SONIC CHARACTERS.

you laid playing for a minute, until you died..well fell off a road. "AKAKAMANA oh my GOD." you started crying. "I WAS IN FIRST PLACE GOD DA-"

knock knock

"oh he's here." your mean look on your face changed within a second. you go to the door and open it.

"hey. come in." you say to him as you open the door more and move a tiny bit to the side.

"why are you crying? are you alright?" he walked in.

"oh i uh-"

"oh. sonic racing. i understand." he nodded and sat down with his walmart sack.

you sat beside him and paused your game that was continuing to tell you that you lost and were in 8th place.

"so i got you these," he held up pads that you regularly bought and you smiled. "and this." then he handed you the bag.

you looked in it to see a whole bunch of candy and chocolate. "thank you so much but-"

"do not say i need to take it back." he stopped you.
"no, i was going to tell you to put it in the kitchen."

he sighed a little "oh" and picked up the other controller. "let's play?"

you nod your head and pick up your controller. "yes! can you you good?"

he chuckled and you started the game.

time skip

1: shoto

8: y/n


"i win."

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