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— tenya iida

y/n stands out in front of the large building, U.A, waiting for her new study buddy. she was freezing, considering it was almost winter. all y/n had on was a small jacket. jeez, didn't know it was going to be this cold..

as she was deep thinking about if she left the stove on or not when she left, she didn't realize that iida had been walking up to her.

he was thinking about how he could approach her. the speedy boy had liked the pretty h/c haired girl for a long time. since school started, he thought.

he thought you had the most prettiest hair. he didn't care how you looked at all, though. he was most attracted to the way you looked at people when they were talking. you seemed liked you cared a lot. he was looking for some one with care and great listening. you were perfect for that. you may not be the best looking to most people or your personality might not be the top notch, but he still thought highly of you.

"hello, l/n." his voice raspy, nervous. her smile made him feel some what better.

the way her chubby cheeks were pink and the top of her nose was a bright red, was obvious she was freezing.

"h-hey tenya." her voice was cracking, shivering.

"iida, you can call me by my first name. are you cold? please take my jacket." she were about to refuse his offer, but he had already put the jacket around her.

his small smile had warmed her heart.

"thank you, iida. you can call me y/n if you would like." she bowed a bit and thanked him.

"shall we get going?" the boy said, putting out his hand for her to grab. to his luck, the girl had accepted his hand and they started walking to the library.

when they got to the library, iida got the books and started immediately telling her to read pages. the way the girl had her eyes right in the book.. she was very concentrated. iida has realized he was staring, but he couldn't help it. the way your hair dripped down onto some of the way of your eyes, the look on your face with determination of not failing.. wow he was no doubt in love.

"uh, are you alright?" the girl suddenly spoke. his face fully red right as she said it. "oh i'm so sorry. just got lost in thought.." she chuckled. "how cute.."
"ne, iida. red light." the dark blue haired boy mentally screamed when he realized what she meant. "oh my! i'm so sorry!" his face buried in his hands. "iida, don't be sorry. i knew you liked me."

"y-you did? how?" her smile got larger. "because when i like someone, i know they like me too!"

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