Top 10 Ships on Wattpad

3.2K 72 432

***LAST UPDATED: 15 JUNE 2022***

As of the date above, there are over 193K stories tagged as #harrypotter on Wattpad, and I found over 450 ships during my search!

In order to find the necessary data for this book, I sifted through works by using a combination of the tag #harrypotter and the ship name tag. I realize that this strategy leaves something to be desired, since not every work in the fandom is tagged with #harrypotter, but it tends to be more accurate than not including the fandom tag. This is because a handful of HP ship names overlap with other fandoms (e.g. #rarry #frarry etc. overlap with the 1D fandom, and other ship names overlap with various fandoms for anime, books, celebs, YouTubers, etc.), and Wattpad doesn't have a good way to mark fandom unlike AO3 and FFN (except by using the tag #harrypotter, in this case). That means that my data here is based solely on a combination of #harrypotter and each ship name tag, and not the ship name tag by itself, as other people may use.

Without further ado, the top 10 HP ships on Wattpad are:*

#1 — #drarry (13.5K)

#2 — #dramione (8.2K)

#3 — #wolfstar (5.5K)

#4 #jily (3.4K)

#5 — #hinny (3.3K)

#6 — #romione (2.7K)

#7 — #harmione (1.1K)

#8 — #linny & #pansmione (1.0K)

#9 — #tomarry (937)

#10 — #scorbus (659)

BONUS! Other popular ships include:*

#11 — #scorose (593)

#12 — #nuna (541)

#13 — #snarry (535)

#14 — #blinny (532)

#15 — #deamus (503)

#16 — #fremione (449)

#17 — #jegulus (441)

#18 — #blairon (434)

#19 — #snily (321)

#20 — #snamione (317)

*(excluding Character/OC ships (e.g. Draco/OC), Fantastic Beasts ships (e.g. Newtina), and object/crack ships (e.g. Drapple))

Thoughts? Want to know where your favorite ship lies on Wattpad if it's not in the top 20? Have some ~feelings~ about this data? Let me know in the comments!

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