Molthur (Molly/Arthur)

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SHIP NAMES: Molthur, Marthur, Artholly, Molly/Arthur, AW/MP, AW/MW, AW/MPW, S.S. Batteries & Baking

THOUGHTS: I'm honestly torn about how to rank this one, because while I think they're cute and only ship them with each other, I don't feel super strongly about them and wouldn't seek them out in fanfiction. They're one of the few canon ships that I can get behind (the others include Lucissa (already discussed) and Bleur); I like that they're very obviously in love and have been for a long time; their bickering and interactions feel very real; they clearly care deeply about one another; and, again, I only ship them with each other. At the same time, though, they just don't interest me beyond as a background relationship.

While I could see myself seeking out Lucissa or Bleur fanfiction to fill in the gaps of canon, I can't say the same for Molthur. We see so much of Molthur in canon that I've had my fill of them, I guess. Honestly, part of my disinterest in them outside of as a background relationship is that they're predictable and, frankly, stereotypical: Molly is the loving but overly emotional and overbearing housewife who nags her husband about his hobbies; is strict with the kids to the point of sometimes being unintentionally unsupportive of them, while also being incredibly protective; wants grandchildren so badly that it puts pressure on her children to settle down; and always serves a million homecooked dishes and does all the housework herself; while Arthur is the scatterbrained breadwinning husband who is much more lenient with the children; doesn't help with the cooking or housework but does the handywork; and sneaks behind his wife's back to work on said hobbies that she doesn't support. (Of course, in this case, Molly actually has a good reason for not supporting his hobbies, because meddling with Muggle items and adding magic to them is illegal, but my point about them falling into stereotypes about husbands and wives still stands.) I still ship them and in general feel weird about fics where they're in relationships with other people (especially if they're only in the background), but I don't seek them out. They're just alright.

RATING: 7/10: It's a nice canon ship, but I don't feel super strongly about it.


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