Top 10 Ships on

1.5K 34 90

For the past four years, I've used (HPFF) as a part of my ship data collection. As of June 30th, 2021, HPFF went down after serving the fandom for twenty years. It's always sad to see a piece of fandom history disappear and even sadder when that fandom history is not preserved anywhere. The good news is that the owner of HPFF had planned to partner up with AO3's parent site, the Organization for Transformative Works (OTW), and the Open Doors Project, to save as many of the works on HPFF as possible and import them to AO3. The bad news is that, as far as I can tell, the move was supposed to happen sometime after December 2021, but it still has not happened as of June 2022. In the meantime, I will be using old data from HPFF when calculating the most popular ships in the fandom, which I collected in April 2021. If the fics on HPFF ever end up getting transferred over to AO3, then they be included in my AO3 numbers and this chapter will no longer be needed. However, for now, here is my old HPFF data.

***LAST UPDATED: 15 APRIL 2021***

As of the date above, there are over 86K works on (HPFF), though there are only 45 ship tags available to sort works, including one that is just "Other Pairing."

HPFF is free of most of the controversial ships in the fandom (e.g. the ones involving incest, pedophilia, cross-gen/large age gaps, or potential/certain abuse), but it also skews extremely heteronormative: it only has 3 mlm ships and 1 wlw ship, and these ships rest at the bottom in terms of popularity.

Here are the top 10 ships on HPFF:*

#1 — Harry/Ginny (16.0K)

#2 — Ron/Hermione (14.9K)

#3 — James/Lily (12.9K)

#4 — Draco/Hermione (9.5K)

#5 — Sirius/OC (7.3K)

#6 — Remus/OC (4.5K)

#7 — Draco/OC (4.1K)

#8 — Rose/Scorpius (3.9K)

#9 — Harry/Hermione (3.8K)

#10 — Harry/OC (2.8K)

BONUS! Other popular ships include:*

#11 — James/OC (2.5K)

#12 — Remus/Tonks (2.3K)

#13 — Arthur/Molly & Teddy/Victoire (2.0K)

#14 — Lucius/Narcissa (1.7K)

#15 — Draco/Ginny & Neville/Luna (1.6K)

#16 — Ron/Lavender & Bill/Fleur & Hermione/OC (1.5K)

#17 Ron/OC (1.4K)

#18 — Draco/Pansy (1.3K)

#19 — Snape/Lily (1.2K)

#20 — Lily/OC (1.1K)

*(this time including Character/OC ships, mostly due to the very small number of available ship tags for this website)

Thoughts? Have some ~feelings~ about this data? Let me know in the comments!

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