Good Morning New Home

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I began to feel myself exiting the bliss of my slumber and enter reality. Or as real as my reality could get.

I open my eyes slowly, feeling the drowsiness leaving me. I open them to see Max sleeping soundly. So peaceful and so cute.

I then realized he was holding me close to him. I moved slightly to get a piece of his hair away from his face.

When I did, he pulled me in closer, still asleep. He buried his face in my hair and exhaled in content. Like I was a teddy bear.

As much as I didn't want to move I moved back a little so I could see his face. I couldn't help but smile.

I then heard a crash come from downstairs, followed by the Goofy yelp.

That seemed to have pulled Max out of his slumber as he began to stir.

His eyes fluttered open and locked with mine. His face turned red but he didn't push me or let go of me. His hold on me loosened though.

"U-uh, g-good morning" he stuttered out. I giggled and pecked him on his cheek.

"Morning" I responded.

"How did you sleep..I'm mean I know how you sleep I mean like did you sleep alright? " He said blushing more out of embarrassment.

I giggled again at his adorkableness.

"I slept fine" I responded.

One thing I noticed in our small conversation, another reason that I love this universe. There's no such thing as morning breath.

So its more enjoyable to talk to someone when waking up next to them.....or I'm their arms in my case.

We ended up getting lost in each other's eyes until someone knocked and opened the door.

"Hey, lovebirds get up and come eat. Goofy made a mountain of food and we need help eating it." Arrow said leaning on the door frame.

I had almost forgot that her appearance changed. I had gotten used to bright orange eyes and the shortness of Arrow. I forget she's taller now and her eyes are a chocolate brown. She looks like an older sister now rather than a younger one.

It took me a second to analyze what she said but when I did I jumped up.

"Food!" I practically yelled.

I jumped out of the bed and stretched. Not knowing a certain puppy of mine had been staring at my briefly exposed stomach that shown when my shirt lifted with the stretch.

When my arms went down I barely heard a small whine. But I didn't question it. My mind was set on food.

I turned around and grabbed Max's hand pulling him up.

"C'mon Max!" I said smiling. He smiles back and follows me as I ran downstairs.

I saw the entire table filled with food almost touching the ceiling.

This is gonna be a challenge.


After eating the food, we somehow ate it all. Well, Max and Arrow ate the most. I finished like four or five plates.

We were sitting in the living room and I glanced out the window and my eyes lit up.

It was snowing.

I had never seen snow or played in it before.

"Max! It's snowing! Let's go play!" I say jump up and almost running outside.
Almost as in someone stopped me.

Arrow had her hand on my shoulder and when I looked her way she let go.

"You don't have proper attire for the snow." She said in a stern tone.

Then she flicked her wrist and magic swirled around me revealing proper snow clothing.

(I don't know that proper snow clothing is cause I've never seen snow)

I smiled happily and Max spoke up.

"I'll go get dressed then," he said and ran to his room and came back down after two minutes.

I smiled and ran outside as Max followed.

I stood outside looking in awe at the snow. My eyes sparkling in excitement and wonder.

"It so beautiful!" I said.

"Yeah, it's gorgeous, " he said in agreement. But what I didn't know.

Was that he was looking at me when he said it.

Hiya, I'm back with the new story.

I know I said it would be up next Saturday but I started writing and got impatient.

How do ya like the cover?  I personally like it. It's more clean and clear. It took a lot of digging to find that perfect work of art.

I saw some weird things... But I did for you! It was worth it in the end. Okay, I'm done rambling.

Stay Deadly My Fellow Assassins.

Love In The Same World: Conflict and Resolution [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now