House of Mouse part 3

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We got there and when I stepped out, I stared in awe at the place.

"Mickey's House Of Mouse" a big sign on the building said.

We all got out and Max took my hand and we walked in.

When we stepped in it was really nice and warm compared to the cold outside.

It smelled of all kinds of food, pasta,  soup and others. Arrow was on my other side and basked in the warmth of the inside.

Mickey was there greeting guest and staff leading them to their seats.

When we approached him he greeted us happily.

"Hiya Max! These your friends?" He asked Max.

"Yeah, this is my girlfriend (Y/N) and our friend Arrow." Max says.

Mickey takes a glance at Arrow and I see something glaze over his eyes for a split second.

"Oh, uh. Well I'm Mickey Mouse and welcome to the House of Mouse." He says.

Arrow's wings open up a little and she smiles slightly.

"You have uh, magnificent wings there" Mickey says to Arrow. She blushes a little. "Um thanks." She responds.

I was squealing on the inside.

Thats cute

The I see Minnie walk up to us. "Mickey, there is a little problem in the kitchen.". She says.

" Oh okay," Mickey turns to us and gestures to Minnie," this is my sister, Minnie. Minnie could you show them to their seats? And Max I know you're a guest tonight but could you help us for a few minutes?" He asks Max.

"Sure, I'll be with you in a bit (Y/n)." As he follows Mickey.

Minnie lead us to our table. It was a booth like area in the front row.
We sat in and Minnie went to go help the other guests.

Sister huh? Interesting.

Arrow was still smiling and still had some pink on her face.

I grinned and giggled a little.

"What?" She asks suspisously.

"You have a crush on a mouse" I say chucking a little.

She blushes and crosses her arm. "Yeah, and you're dating a dog" she says.

I stop laughing and say witha straight face, "Touchè" I say giving her a finger gun gesture.

We continue talking and after a few minutes Max comes and sits down with us. A few seconds later.

The lights dim and a spotlight is on the stage.


Sorry I'm an hour late I was getting prepared for school that starts in two days.

High school I'm nervous. But I won't stop updating

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