Warm Welcome

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After a few minutes Max came over and sat with us.

"Hey, what was it that they needed help with?" I ask him as he sat next to me.

"Oh my dad just somehow got stuck in the ventilation tube and they needed help with that. " he says with a sigh. I laugh.

"That's no surprise" I say and Max gives me a smile.

The lights then dim and the crowd falls silent. A spotlight shines on the stage revealing Mickey.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen and thank you for coming! This evening we have two guest that have never been here at The House of Mouse before. Why don't we give them a warm welcome up onto the stage." He says and a spotlight lands on me and Arrow.

I freeze up a little and Max gives me a reassuring smile and Arrow and I get up and make our way to stage.

People are clapping and there are a few cheers here and there. When the crowd calms down, Mickey speaks.

"Why don't you tell us a bit about yourselves!" He says handing me the microphone. I take it and look out into the crowd of Disney characters.

"W-Well uh, My friend Arrow and I, attended the same college and we met Max there..um..yeah.." I awkwardly say feeling a bit of stage fright come over me and my mind blanking on me.

I hand the mic to Arrow to have you speak next.

"I'm Arrow, I am (Y/N)'s guardian demon and best friend. We ended up being roommates and had a crazy adventure with Max here. We both are excited to be here." She says without skipping a beat.

She hands the Mic to Mickey and bows as everyone claps once more.

We exit the stage and sit back down.

"Well thanks for coming up haHA. Now for everyone, we have a few short movies for you to see so let's not waste any time!" He says and exits the stage while the curtains open to reveal a screen.

The lights dim and the first movie starts.

Sorry if it's short. I want to keep it at 300 to 400 words each chapter if it's okay. I'm sorry I didn't post last week.

Please forgive me.


Love In The Same World: Conflict and Resolution [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now