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I couldn't process what was happening, I was in a hospital, a coma, and then.....Max.

Max was in front of me, but he was human. It felt like the world stopped at I locked eyes with his brown eyes.

I couldn't sense anything but his concerned gaze pouring into my soul.

How does that happen?

When reality started to come back, he rushed to my side.

"(Y/n)?, are you alright?" He asked me.

He took my hand in his and i looked back at down at our hands.

Five fingers.......where are his gloves?

I looked back at him, still in shock from this situation.

"Yeah.." That's all I could manage in my shocked state.

I couldn't help but study his features.

His hair, falling over his eyes slightly. His sideburns that his dog ears have turned into. His two teeth coming just a little farther than the rest of his teeth.

I've seen artwork of this version of him. But none were close to how he looks in front of me.

Max's POV

My heart filled with dread as I saw the portal open underneath (Y/n) and her scream.


Without thinking, I jumped in after her.
I tried to get to her, but something was taking over me.

I was scared and worried for (Y/n).

I saw her eyes shut as I caught up with her.

Before I let myself submit to the sleep that took over (Y/n), I grabbed her hand and used it to pull her close to me.

I held her close as darknes consumed me...

Next thing I knew I woke up in a hospital waiting room, confused.

"You okay there dear?" A nurse asked me and helped me stand up.

"Yeah, uh" I ask looking around.

Something was weird. When I turned my head, and I saw my reflection.

I ran and looked at myself.

What happened to me?

My ears had turned to hair, my face shrunk, my arms, my hands changed.

I looked at my hands, my gloves were still there but I had an extra finger. I was like (Y/n). I looked around and everyone was like that. Was this the other world that woman was talking about, where..(Y/n) came from?

I looked back at my hands and took off my gloves. I...took off my gloves.

My hands were as you would expect, like everyone's in this world.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when i heard a couple of nurses talking.

"So how is the patient in A-113?" One of them asks.

"Oh (Y/n), poor dear still hasn't woken up."

(Y/n)?     What happened?

Immediately I felt my body move automatically.

I ran.

Only one thought in my head.

She's in A-113

Wing A, room 113.

I ran, people were yelling but I ignored them and kept running.

I counted off the room in the A wing, as I was getting to the room, I saw a nurse walk out and jumped back when I was approaching.

I slid to a halt in front of the room, using the doorway to help my stop.

I looked into the room and saw her.

She was hooked up to a machine and we locked eyes.

Relief washed over me as I saw that she was okay.

She was safe...


So about the chapter lengths, I'm going to keep the chapters short. The usual 300 to 400 words.

To make it easier for me since i got highschool and everything.
So you get updates and I don't get burnt out.

This one was 500 but I wanted to get all of Max's Pov.

Thats all.

Stay Deadly My Fellow Assassins.

Love In The Same World: Conflict and Resolution [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now