The Light

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At the intermission, Arrow disapeared somehwhere. She had been gone for a while so I went to go find her.

I checked the bathroom and she wasn't there so I asked around.

I approached Mickey.

"Hey Mickey, have you seen Arrow?" I ask looking around to see if I could spot her.

"Oh Arrow? I she went up to the roof, Im not sure why but i show you there. Follow me." He says and gestures me to follow me.

I then gesture Max to come with. We walked up a large set of stairs to get to the roof. It was such a big building.

When we got to the door, I could hear Arrow talking to someone. A slight glow coming from the bottom of the door.

I tried opening the door but it didn't budge. I kept trying to open it but to no avail.

I knocked on the door.

"Arrow are you okay?" I say through the door.

The door opened and Arrow was standing in the middle of the rooftop, the snow gently falling.

"Hey (Y/n) did I worry you?" She said smiling a little.  "I just came up here for some fresh air" she says looking at the starry sky.

I look with her, then I realise.
I never really told Max that I'm not from this universe.

Maybe it's a bad time but, it's been a year since we met and I haven't told him.

I don't know why, but I decide to tell him. It's not a bad thing but I don't know how he will react.

"Max" I say turning to him, "I have something to tell you.."

Max perks up, "Y-yeah, what is it?" He askes seeming a little nervous.

"Well, I-" I was cut off by a large burst of energy coming out of nowhere, throwing us to the ground. I felt Max wrap his arm around me as we landed on the floor.

A bright light then came after, almost blinding. We all one by one, sit up after the shock.

I shielded my eyes from the light. When it died down, I couldn't believe what I saw.


Love In The Same World: Conflict and Resolution [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now