The Woman

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I stared in awe at the woman

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I stared in awe at the woman. She was glowing a bright light, almost transparent. An invisible breeze flowing against her dress.

Arrow was on one knee bowing her head down so I followed what she did.

This woman must be a hierarchy. She seemed imprortant.

"Rise" she spoke. Arrow and I stood up and I squinted my eyes a little from how bright she was.

"I presume you are (Y/n)" she says looking at me.

I nodded, "yes ma'am I am." I backed up a little. Her voice was stern and smooth.

"Arrow brought you to this world correct?" She says. I glance back at Max, who was looking at me.

"Yes, she did. I fell through my TV.." I say.

The woman nods," I see, well Im afraid that you have to go back"

My eyes widen a little. "Why miss! I-im better here!" I say panicking a little.

"Relax child, you will come back, but Arrow has broken a rule here, " she says looking at Arrow," she has been overprotcting you, and you've grown dependent on her. You must know how to protect yourself without supernatural powers."

She turns back to me, "So I must send you back to where you came from. "

I look at Arrow and she looks down not speaking. I look at Max with scared eyes to meet his concerned ones.

I was about to refuse when the woman lifts her hand and a white portal formed below me, next thing I new, i fell through.

I let out a scream, and I heard Max yell for me. I look up and I see Max had jumped in the portal after me.  It was white all around as we fell. I saw the opening close and I started to feel drowsy.

Last thing I saw before I submitted to the drowsiness, was Max's concerned, brown eyes.

Then everything went black.

Love In The Same World: Conflict and Resolution [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now