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Far away...

That's all that played in my head. I needed to run.
I don't know why I was brought back...why I had to drag Max here too.

I felt terrible, I just can't look at him.
It's my fault.

I don't even know where I was running.
I didn't care how much my chest was hurting or how badly my legs begged for a break.

I just needed to run.

After what felt like an eternity, I found myself in a spot I recognize too well.

It was a place that nobody seemed to know about, a small area in the foothills, that was like a silent oasis of some sort.

I collapsed on the ground, struggling for breath.

When my breathing was able to steady out, I looked around.

I remember this is where I escape the bullying, a place where everything stood still, where I was safe...for a while.

I went over to the edge of the small pond and just cried.

Why...why did I have to come back? What was wrong with staying in a world where I could be happy?

I was able to escape this life...yet I was put back here.

I have nowhere else to run...

"That's all you ever do huh?" A voice spoke.
I jumped and looked around frantically.

Then I saw a figure standing in the middle of the pond-no, not standing, floating above.

I began to back away.

"Now don't go running away, you never escape problems with that mindset" They spoke again and I couldn't move. They began to walk closer to me and I was able to get a good look at them.

They looked, like me. Only they had a dark aura around them and they were only shades of one color.

"W-who are you?" I ask, my voice was shaking as I couldn't move and what looked like a spirit was in front of me.

"Me? Dear, you should know me by now." They looked menacing, they almost looked like a demented creature now, "I'm your conscience, where you suppress all your secrets, fears, good and bad deeds. I'm just the reflection of you." They chuckle.

"It's funny, I can tell you don't want to see me. You were fine not knowing I existed. However, believe it or not, I just want to help you. But in order for me to do that, I have to know if you're ready to look at the thing you hate most about yourself..." They said looking down at me. I was shaking.

The thing I hate about myself? Help me?
If I'm ready?

What does it all mean?

"I can tell you're on the fence, so I'll push you over before you run from this too.
'Cause you can never run from who you are."

Who...I am?

"You're a coward, (Y/n). So don't act like you're innocent here."


"Any problem you come across, you find a way to escape from it, be it temporarily.

Anything that you don't remotely like, you push it away, you look away, you pay no mind to it, you avoid it any way you can.

You don't face any problem head-on.
You. run."

Love In The Same World: Conflict and Resolution [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now