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"Any problem you come across, you find a way to escape from it, be it temporarily.

Anything that you don't remotely like, you push it away, you look away, you pay no mind to it, you avoid it any way you can.

You don't face any problem head-on.
You. run."


"Run? You sound like I'm a coward who can't fight for herself." I said defensively

"Do you even hear yourself?" It spoke. "You're trying to sound brave when you just ran from a silly bully, from your boyfriend. Without telling him a word of explanation."

Its-er- she's? Right... Max is in a different world he doesn't know of and I just left him...

I felt a wave of guilt wash over me.

"Now you're getting it...and you hate it. You hate how you ignore your problems, how you always find a way to escape and how you can't deal with then when you have no escape."

"Yeah..I-I -I know..I do I stop? If you are truly here to help me, then what do I do?" I ask.

"It's not hard...confront the people and let them know they don't control you. I allowed your boyfriend to be here with you so it will be easier. You are a lot stronger than you believe you are."

"Just confront them? How can it be that easy? " I ask. It makes no sense.

"Believe in yourself...oh..looks like your courage is here...good luck.."  With that, she disappeared and I heard footsteps behind me.

I turn and see a very worried Max running to me.

He hugs me and I hug back. To be honest, I like him better the way he looked before.

He asks me if I'm alright and I reassure him I'm okay.

I felt relief wash over me as he held me.

I'm I ready to confront the past?

Love In The Same World: Conflict and Resolution [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now