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Narrator POV:

As (Y/n) prepared to take on her past, Arrow was still in the world of Disney animations.

Let's see what happened in the mean while.

When (Y/n) and Max fell into the portal. Arrow tried to go in too, or a least grab them.

But she was a second to late, the portal closed before her hand even reached it.

"No! " she was on her knees, "DAMMIT!"

Mickey came over to consult her.

The glowing lady spoke.

"You have disobeyed Demon 600 the girl your brought here does not belong here.!"

"She needed to be happy! I brought her here to be happy!" Arrow shouts back.

"That is the job of a guardian! You are not one!" The lady declared.

"Why can't I be!? Her angel disappeared a long time ago. Was she just supposed to not have a guardian? I saw someone suffering and helped them! How is that wrong!? " Arrow argues?

"What's going on Arrow? Is this person part of something? " Mickey says as a key forms in his hand.

"Why don't you let off your charm Arrow, if you want to be such a good role model. Be honest." The lady says.

Arrow seemed to turn paler than before.

"B-but-" she pauses and sighs putting her head down.

She lifts her hand. Sparkles formed on everyone's head and flew up in the air, disappearing.

Everyone had knowledge of who Arrow was now.

Minnie ran to Micky in confusion. She was downstairs and didn't have any memory of what happened.

Arrow had placed a charm on everyone, so they would feel comfortable around her.

She charmed Mickey with a stronger charm, since he was more powerful, that made him seem romantically attracted to her. So altered the memory of Micky and Minnie and everyone else into thinking they were siblings and they weren't together.

The charm was now off though.

Arrow hung her head shamefully.

Instead of getting angry and chasing her off or killing her on the spot.

Everyone on the roof felt sorry, and-beacsue they are nice characters- offered her a friendship and spot in this world.

But Arrow was only worried about (Y/n) though.

She was sent back and she still doesn't know what's happening.

"You still disobeyed rules Demon 600, you must be penalized while we wait to see if a REAL guardian deems the human (Y/n) worthy of living life in this dimensional plane."

Arrow and the Light Lady disappeared withh a bright light.

And everyone we're still confused as to what happened.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2020 ⏰

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Love In The Same World: Conflict and Resolution [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now