House of Mouse part 2

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We entered the room and closed the door. I turned to Arrow.

"So what do you think I should wear?" I ask her.

"I mean something formal but casual" I say. I go and look through my suitcase of clothes.

"Maybe something like this" I hear Arrow say. I turn and she is holding a (f/c) dress complimented by a bit of red and white. It flared out near the bottom and was about knee length. It was sleeveless and the shoulders were decorated with small bits of sequence.

"Wow, that's amazing, it's not quite casual but it looks good." Arrow smiled.

"Have I ever mentions that you make getting ready so much easier?" I tell her and giggle a bit.

We set the dress on the bed and go downstairs to hang out and wait until it's time to go.

-time skip. (Author-chan is tired)-

We were leaving in 10 minutes so Arrow and I were getting ready in Max's and my room.

I got changed into the dress that Arrow made for me and put on a little lipstick.

Arrow wore:

Arrow wore:

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(Im lazy)

I looked in the mirror and smiled. Arrow opened the door and let me out first.

We were walking down the stairs and I could see Max was ready too. And he just stared at me. But it wasn't the first time he'd seen me in a dress so I'm not sure why.

"Does it look okay? " I ask looking down at it.

"It looks good, y-you look beautiful " he says nervously rubbing the back of his neck and blushing.

I could feel my face heat up too and I giggled at how cute he is.

We then hear a crash and see goofy tumble down the stairs. Arrow and I got out of the way.

Goofy got up like nothing and said "Alright let's get a move on" and walked out the door tripping again.

Me and Arrow laughed and we walked out the door. I held onto Max's hand and we all filed into the car. Arrow sat in front and Max and I were in the back.

I could hardly keep in my excitment.

Sorry this wasn't on last sunday like I said it would be but I got it done to a decent thing I hope.

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