chapter five

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just play some calm/chill music

|the next day|
malia's pov

"hey malia, are you okay?" daniela's voice forced me to snap back to reality.

i blinked a few times before speaking, "yeah. i just don't feel good."

"are you positive that you saw him?" she asked worryingly.

if grayson's here, it means ethan's here as well.

i know she's freaking out because if ethan's here, she knows that her feelings for ethan might get all over the place.

"yes. i might've not seen him since a year but i could just recognize him and i think he recognized me," my eyes were heavy from tiredness.

i don't remember much.
he touched me and i was too scared to say anything since i was drunk.

daniela started to sit up straight and i could tell she's criss-crossed from the corner of my eye.

"what do you wanna do today?" she asked me after she took a deep breath.

i know she doesn't want to think about the boys when we should focus on what's important right now.

classes are starting tomorrow and we need to make sure that we won't slack at all.

i grunted as i uncomfortably got off my laying position, "there's not much we can do."

"we did catch up on everything when we repeatedly stayed up all night at my house. so why won't we talk about our future somewhere else?" she suggested an  idea.

my mouth dropped quickly; sarcastically, "that is the most smartest idea i've ever heard from you."

she rolled her eyes and flipped her hair, "i mean, i've gotten pretty fucking cooler ever since you left."

"wanna get coffee?" my eyebrow raised as a suggestion.

she sigh in relief, "yes please. i can barely keep my eyes open from last night."

i let out a chuckle, "don't worry. you're not the only one."

we changed out into some more better looking clothes and then walked out of our dorm.

"do you like my necklace?" she asked me with a smirk while pointing at the necklace i gave her.

i gasped sarcastically, "i love it! who gave it to you?"

"this girl. she's amazing and everything," she smiled while looking down at the necklace.

"man. i wish i had a friend like her," i said cockily but jokingly since i'm technically talking about me.

"i'm scared," she laughed nervously as she rubbed her hands together; changing the conversation.

"why so?" i nudged her shoulder with my elbow.

"having no classes with you tomorrow, having to be an awkward bitch, and just work in general," she sigh deeply.

"i don't want to tell you again like how i did last year but... don't stress about it. just go with the flow. the best part is that now i'm here with you," i smiled.

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