36- Grudge

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      Splendid sighed as he walked along the dark road. Yes, he knows, he could be flying right now, but he was just too upset about the recant turn of events.. he confessed his love for the cute little green bear, and was rejected..

'How could this be?...' he internally asked himself. 'How.. Why.. Just... How could this happen?!! I can't have come in second to that scruffy piece of shit who calls himself Flipqy!!! This cant be!!!

"I.. I just.. can't believe it..."

"Well believe it sweetheart, it's happening."

Splendid jumped and his head snapped to the side to see none other than Flipqy, leaning against a tree with a smug look on his face. "FLIPQY!? What the fuck are you doing here?!?!" splendid asked in both surprise and anger.

"Oh nothing, just going for a little walk.." Flipqy said sarcastically. he then narrowed his eyes at splendid, having a dark look on his face. "Why I'm here.. isn't it obvious? I'm here to finish what you started..."

The color drained from Splendids face. The look on Flipqys face... you could tell he meant business. 

"N-now Flipqy, lets not be rash! Think about it, if you and I get into a fight and one of us gets hurt, think of how devastated Flippy would be!!'

"Shut it squirrel, the time for chit-chat is over! Flippy won't give a shit if I  kill you!! He loves me, and only me! SO BACK THE FUCK OFF!! Only one of us is going to leave from this here trail today.. and that someone, is me!"

Splendid gulped. '....ohhhhh, shiiiiitt.....'

Flippy x Flipqy (fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now