40- (screw titles. it's just numbers for now on)

834 28 7

Splendid sat in the dark room, alone. Flipqy had left about half an hour ago... But he was still there. Strapped to the chair. In the darkness..

Or rather...

What he assumed to be darkness.

A white bandage replaced his usual red mask. There was blood seeking through where his eyes once where..

'Fuck Flipqy... Fuck life... Fuck... Everything...' He thought to himself, as he mourned over his new found loss of sight.

He sat, trembling in pain and anger.

Then, he herd someone coming down the stairs.

'Wait... The stairs?'

He hears Flipqy speak in a rather cheerful tone. "Well, I'm sure you've learned your lesson. I guess. I'll let you go now."

His voice soon turned dark.

"But if I catch you making a move on Flippy again.. You will loose more than just your sight. Seeing as how I just took it."

Splendid clenched his teeth in anger, but said nothing.

Flipqy smirked in satisfaction. He then injected something into Splendid's arm, and Splendid fell unconscious seconds later.

- - - - time skip

Splendid woke up in an unknown place; at least, unknown to him. Seeing as how he was now blind. He huffed and shakily stood up.

'What now?... I'm blind, I don't know where I am.. '

Then he smiled.

'I'm a fucking super hero!! If anyone can fight through this, it's me! I must save my poor Flippy from the clutches of the evil Flipqy!! .. ... ... .. But how?'

He thought for a moment, thinking if possible solutions.

'Oh I know!! I'll just.. SNIFF THE AIR!!! That's what they do in the movies!!'

So away he went, following through with his amazing plan. He ran through the woods, nose up, inhaling everything.

At first, his plan seemed to work.

... Key phrase: ...At first.

Things quickly send down hill when an insect flew up his nose and into his lungs. This caught him off guard, as he then tripped over a root while coughing. To his luck, he was inches away from a steep downward slope. That he soon filled down.

Not by choice.

"AHHHHH!!! HEEEELLLPPPP!!!" He screamed, unable to stop.

His prayers where soon answered.

By a tree.

He hit the tree, head first, and this knocked him back by a foot or two. He stood up, dizzy, stumbled forward a few feet, then collapsed onto the hard cement.

'Wait... CEMENT?!'

He jumped up in joy when he realized he had hit a road. A road that could easily lead him back to happy tree town.

You see, being the expert crime fighter he was, he had a map of all the roads of happy tree town memorized in his mind. So he strolled confidently down the road, feeling certain he could find his way back to Flippy.

Flippy x Flipqy (fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now