Chapter 28 - Hate

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It was a quiet chill evening, the last week of September was starting to become bitterly colder than the relaxed autumn winds they had a few weeks ago when Elizabeth first went missing. Zach had gone back to campus much to his dismay at not finding one hint, clue or trace of Elizabeth.

It seemed that their efforts were going to waste, yet his parents and sister ushered him to return to school nonetheless; promising him that soon they would have a lead.

Reluctantly he drove the 2 hours back and resumed his College Life.

Juliet stayed behind organizing at least 3 more searches for the missing teenager, but each time less and less people came to offer help. It was beginning to feel as though the girl would never come back or never be found.

"Have you spoken to the priest yet?" Anne asked her as they headed deeper into a forestry area.

Juliet shook her head, "No, I haven't been able to reach him these last few days. It's not as though he keeps a cellphone on him."

Anne felt queasy about the priest dodging the subject. Juliet sensed her uneasiness.

"Don't worry though, I'll be stopping by after mass to see him." she gave the young blond a reassuring smile as they continued to walk along the dirt paths.

The dim lit chapel held a few of the older members, softly praying for themselves and their families but also kept in mind the missing girl.

Juliet entered through the large doors and walked up towards the first pew, looking around for James but did not see him. Instead she saw the ancient priest, he was now nearly blind but still he kept his wrinkled smile on his face.

"Juliet?" his coarse voice croaked at her.

"Good evening Father Thomas, how are you? I haven't seen much of you around."

The old priest wobbled over to her and sat next to her, mass was over and only a few remained.

"Been in and out of the hospital," the old man shrugged his shoulders, "It seems my time to reunite with the Lord is fast approaching," he chuckled.

"Are you feeling alright though?"

"Yes dear; actually Father Beckford should be coming along soon. He'll be taking me back to the rectory. I can no longer drive on my own."

"He's not here?"

The old priest shook his head, "He said he needed to meet his parents for some important transfer of estate business"

Juliet's mouth hung a bit, she remembered seeing his mother and father years ago but ever since James decided to become a priest he mentioned that they no longer considered him their son.


The side door to the chapel opened and both Albert and James stepped in. Juliet shot up as though her seat had grown terribly hot, for some reason her nerves were getting the better of her.

"Is that Albert?" Father Thomas croaked. "Young man I haven't seen you since my sight started failing me," he laughed. Both men joined awkwardly in his joke but did not leave Juliet's firm gaze.

Albert could feel his pulse quickening, he was not expecting to see Juliet again. In fact he had been avoiding her since the previous Christmas.

"Juliet?" James walked over to the priest and the girl, "It's been a while since you've come to mass," he smiled gently at her.

"Father, I need to speak with you. I realize you're busy but I can wait if that's alright?"

The old priest attempted to stand up, James rushed over and assisted him.

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