Chapter 62 - Gun Shot

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Anne was fuming with rage as she stomped her way through the campus courtyard towards the dorms. She was furious and agitated, driving 2 hours north in order to confront Zach.

He had missed their first ultrasound, and he had promised and swore he'd be there.

But after arriving, Anne had called him numerous times without him answering.

Her anger couldn't be settled and she was about to give Zach a piece of her mind again.

As she walked passed the courtyard, Tyler instantly noticed her. He stopped on his way to go visit home for the weekend, noticing Anne's furrowed brows.

He knew there was only one reason she would be here.

"HEY! Blondie!" He called out to her from across the courtyard but she didn't hear him and she didn't care she walked right past and continued her march.

So Tyler went after her, not caring if he was running late.

"Hey hey... why the face?" He stopped in front of her, but her eyes ignored him and she stepped aside.

"I don't have time to chat with you, move!" Her voice growled, quite frankly it amused Tyler.

Although she had the body of an athlete he was still much taller, wider and bigger than her; to him she was still a dainty little thing and for her to have so much anger slapped across her face it looked funny. He couldn't help but smile, but he prevented himself from giggling knowing it would upset her even more.

Instead he walked beside her back to the dorm room.

" he's not here,"

Anne ignored him and continued.

"Alright but I'm telling you he won't be there."

He could hear her growl like an angry bear, biting himself on the lower lip to prevent from laughing.

Her fist landed on the door, "OPEN UP!" She shouted.

Tyler sighed and pulled out his key to open it for her, she shoved him out the way and slammed open the door all the way.

"You asshole!" She yelled at the empty room, "you left me all alone in the cold office..." her voice began to quiver though.

"...everyone... was looking at me... and I... was so scared.." her face, instead of the anger it broke down into sobs.

Her eyes landed on his empty bed, all disorganized. She reached for it touching the sheets, they were cold. He's been long gone for a while now.

The picture frame of his sister was on the floor, a small crack on the glass front.

Tyler instantly felt sorry for Anne, "I told you he wasn't here, I wouldn't lie to you,"

Anne sunk on to his bed, curling up with a pillow she cried into it. His scent still lingered on the pillow case.

Tyler was hesitant to approach her, but at the same time it felt like a needle pinning his chest to see her sob into his roommates pillow like that. Her eyes were red from her tears but also her frustration.

So he sat at the edge of the bed and decided to try to calm her down.

"Anne..." his hand itched to lay on her shoulder, to provide some form of comfort for her. But instead it lay flat on the mattress.

"... he's an asshole..." she spat, "and it's all my fault."

Tyler couldn't stand it, he hated when women would blame themselves for the actions of men.

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