Chapter 65 - To Trade Eternity In Hell

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** I had to re-write this chapter about 3-4 times because for some reason Wattpad wouldn't save my progress 😥**


Ringing ringing ... hymns being hummed were ringing in Elizabeth's ear. Slowly and slowly it was growing louder.
Slowly and slowly her consciousness was coming back.

"Ugh..." I don't want to wake up...

She recognized the hymn too it was a popular one that she'd hear often at church, that James would sing in the house to her.

She felt her body dragging across the dirt, under her fingertips the softness of small rocks and the roughness of a twig. Suddenly, cold hands scooped her limp body of the dirt and carried her away. The breeze caressed her neck which hung over James arm, she felt too weak and broken to lift her head up. With eyes half open, she could see his face which looked as though someone painted him red. Above him, the quiet darkness of the stars  which winked at her. Silently she prayed to them, prayed that somehow her pain would all be over. 

It felt like James carried her forever, the dizziness in her head was causing her to remember things she thought she had forgotten.

The color of her dress during prom; the smell of her school gym, the first day she met Zach; her uncles big beautiful house filled with his infectious laugh.

Somewhere in the distance she could hear Rohan laugh, Zach's laugh...Anne's...Lily's...

Then she heard that one laugh that always chilled her spine. He chuckled loudly, her body felt stiff.

The stars were gone from her view as she heard a creaky door open, then stumbling footsteps.

It's just a dream... bad dream...

From what she could tell, it was a small shelter or shed of some sort however, by the smell of the rotting wood it had been left abandoned for some time/

There was another pain, surging from a particular area that she knew could only mean the worst.

Her pelvis felt as though it was burning; it felt heavily weighed down and swollen.

James carried her  into the abandoned shack after noticing that she would not wake. He was bruised up, bloody and probably had some fractures in his feet, fingers and wrist.

But he didn't care. It was as though the darkness within him had override his physical body, he felt nothing.

Except cold.

He looked around the shack, it was a small enclosure maybe about 400-500 square feet. Most likely used as a kind of forest ranger base decades ago. There were flares inside, tools and more gasoline canisters, even a radio although dead and a landline phone.

James laid Elizabeth down carefully, watching closely how still she kept. When he realized she was still breathing and her eyelids fluttered a bit, he sighed heavily in relief. 

His eyes wondered all over her body, almost reassuring himself that yes, her beauty, her existence had led him to this moment in his life.

He pulled out the gun he still had, checking how many bullets were left.

"Yes.." he said softly to the demon whispering in his ear, "She was worth it. All of it."

He walked over to a small window and leaned to the side, his eyes watching for the inevitable ambush they would receive.

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