Chapter 35 - James POV

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I pulled into a long dirt driveway up a steep hill, the grass was already browning but the large tall pine trees still held on their greenness.

Although exhausted from the almost 12 hour drive, I was more than ecstatic to see my Elizabeth. All this time I pictured myself entering the house and having her there waiting for me.

I barely make it inside the house before she opens the door and races towards me with open arms. She's in a short flowy dress, one that I recently purchased for her. Her hair is in that thick long braid, like the one she had when I first laid eyes on her.

She runs to me and wraps her arms around my neck, of course to do so she's on her tippy toes.

"Love...," she calls me now in her sweet delicate accent, before kissing me.

I am overwhelmed by her charm and deepen our kiss. By God does she always taste this sweet?

"I've been waiting for you, counting the minutes until you arrived!" she says desperately. Elizabeth gives me one of her adorable pouting faces, her lower lip sticks out a bit playfully and it takes everything in me not to bite and nibble on it.

"Forgive me, there was a lot left to do and the drive was long." My hand finds her cheek and feels its warmth. My mind races over how wonderful her warm skin must feel pressed against me in its entirety.

She pulls herself from me and clutches my hand leading me further inside the house. There's a warm fire burning in the fireplace and it smells of delicious cooked meats. I had not eaten a home cooked meal in months, if you ask me what was the last thing I ate, I would not be able to remember.

"Albert and I cooked dinner, there's also a pie in the oven" she smiles, still clutching onto my hand.

"I don't want you cooking Elizabeth, I don't want you to have to trouble yourself." I tell her. That was not the purpose I brought her to this house for. I brought her to be safe with me, not so that she could be my cook or maid.

"Aw, but my love it's our first night together in this house. I wanted it to be special!" she explains to me and I noticed that it brought her happiness; happiness she felt in doing something in return for me.

And my heart is full; it is full with her love and the sparkle in her eyes as she smiles at me. If I wanted to, in that moment I would attempt to fly.

This girl.

This young woman has given me new life.

Life I never knew could exist through the power of love. The love I feel for her and the love she returns to me.

If you tried to cut me down with a sword, I don't think it would penetrate me.

For I feel immortal next to her.

"Ah there you are!" Albert exclaims and approaches us, he extends his arm and I take it. We have come such a long way, both this man and I.

I have promised him a tranquil life, a life away from others expectations where he can feel comfortable being himself and exploring his true identity. And in return he has promised to help care and provide for my Elizabeth.

"Dinner is ready, why don't you hang your things so we can start?"

I nod at him and take my leave into the bedroom, sweet Elizabeth follows me by the hand. She takes my bags and places them by the bed.

"Is it to your liking?" her eyes dance around the room. I see she and Albert must have spruced up the place, there are candles lit and the room is fairly clean and empty making it appear larger. The sheets are all white and there's a desk with freshly cut flowers, next to them lies a bible and the pink rosary I gave her.

"Elizabeth, this is yours. I gave these to you.." I pick up the rosary.

She smiles and places her hand on mine above the beads, "Everything I am is yours. There's is no me, it's us. Now and always." She pushes off her feet and her lips meet mine again.

"Elizabeth..." I whisper her perfect name as she continues kissing and tugging at my lips.

"I can't lay with you..." she mutters between our kiss and I feel the fire in the pit of my stomach burn a hundred fold. If it were not for me being famished I might have taken her right then and there.

But I know better.

The Lord would rather me make her my wife first.

Once she is, her body will feel even better when I'm insider her as my spouse.

"Don't let this food go cold!" Albert calls out to us and we both giggle.

She leads me back to the kitchen where I marvel at all the deliciousness that is set before me. My eyes want to fill with tears, I haven't felt this much happiness in months maybe even years I can't remember if you ask me.

We take our seats around the table and I hold out both my hands, one to the love of my life and one to my dear friend.

"Let us pray," and we all bow our heads as I begin grace.

This is how it is meant to be.

This is how it was meant to be all along.

Everything is right in the world.

Everything makes sense.

For me the world has begun spinning once again, but I am no longer being lead down the path of death. I am above that.

I am a God. Immune. Immortal. Indestructible. For All eternity and ever powerful.

In this house, inside this walls.

All of it is for me.

Mine as I see fit, as it pleases me.

And both Elizabeth and Albert are mine in body soul and mind.

I cannot help but smile as I hold onto their hands tightly.

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