Chapter 60 - Girl Defiled

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** Smut Chapter / No Furthering Plot - Skip This One To Advance The Story - Mature readers only ** May Delete Later 🤔 **

The smell of roasting coffee filled Elizabeth's nostrils as she continued to sleep on the uncomfortable motel mattress.

"Wake up, we have to get going soon," James whispered to her, brushing the hair from her face.

She groaned slightly, writhing in the sheets. "Must we go so early? The suns barely out.." she complained still drunk with sleep.

But James wanted to leave as early as possible, put as much distance as possible and avoid people from seeing them at all costs.

He watched as she stretched on the bed, the shirt  pulling up a bit revealing her small baby bump belly. He smiled as he watched her.

Her thin fingers gripping the sheets, the way her black hair coated the whiteness of them, how her long lashes fluttered opened revealing the eyes he had fallen mad for.

Placing his coffee down on the table he sank back into the mattress alongside, his face matching up to hers.

"I can wake you up if you prefer, give you some energy for the days trip..." breathed James, the effect of his words, the way they rung in her ears made her feel that all too familiar feeling between her legs.

She bit her lip, eyes avoiding his.

With his fingertips he took hold of her chin, lifting it towards his lips kissing them softly barely touching them. His mouth moved open, prompting hers to copy his movements but just the edges of their lips would touch. His lips were so soft they felt like feathers brushing against hers.

Soon enough she felt something wet against them, his tongue glided across her lower lip lifting upwards licking the top before slipping into her warm mouth.

Elizabeth released a low moan into him, her body quivered at his sweet advances. He kissed her, passionately as though it would be the last time he could kiss her this way.

There was a sadness to him, a sadness that spread from his hands as they traveled up her arms and clung to her neck.

When he pulled away from her lips, she breathed in deep as though gasping for air but her eyes as they looked at him...her eyes had something he had not seen in her before.


She desired him in that moment, the way he had desired her in the past.

Her eyes sparkled into his iris, shaking his heart with a feeling he couldn't understand.

James felt utter and total desperation, he took hold of her hips and pulled down the pajamas she was wearing in a rushed and panicked motion. Elizabeth herself grabbed onto him quickly, wrapping her legs around his waist, he sat himself up on the bed.

He was stiff and hard in an instant , it was incredibly painful and the pain was noticeable in his face. But so was hers, she needed him this time, as much a he needed her in the past.

This is are toxic....

She straddled him, lacing her fingers through his blond locks causing him to shiver he shivered at her touch.

James' hands glided on her naked thighs, his thumbs tracing  inwards and upwards to that spot of hers. Slowly her hips began to rock against him, feeling his mandhood pulse with the urge to penetrate her.

His thumb reached her sex, twirling her clit he began massaging her, relaxing her so that she would be ready to receiving him.

Breaths and gentle moans escaped her lips as she welcomed the teasing sensation he brought upon her, when her eyes closed she remembered clearly and vivdly the first time he tasted her, how she fought against him but ultimately she was at his mercy and gave into his lust.

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