Chapter 43 - Comfort & Trust

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New Years Eve

In place of partying, Zach attended mass with his family. They were still in mourning for their missing Juliet, but also for Elizabeth as well.

The chapel that night was filled as all bowed their heads during the sermon, the priest spoke to all of them, his hand over his heart that ached for the communities pain.

Once the mass was over, Anne stood by the steps hoping to catch a moment with Zach. He had become distant with her.

Their conversations were strained over text and when she did try to call him he wouldn't answer. Usually while he was back home they spent a lot of time together walking through the park or having coffee at one of the local shops; their conversations revolving school, practice, but mostly the missing girls cases.

Now, their conversations were terribly dry and Anne couldn't help but blame herself.

Before she had time to think about making up with Zach she noticed a police car pull up in front of the church.

Her throat felt dry as she watched the detective climbed up the steps to enter, people who were coming out looked at him funny before beginning to whisper.

Anne followed behind him, he was headed for the priest at the alter. Anne hid herself from view behind one of the pillars but remained close enough to hear their conversation. At the corner of her eye she saw Zach leave with his mother and father.

I'll have to catch up with him later...

She paid close attention to what the detective said.

"Forgive me for intruding Father, may I have a moment of your time?" the detective before him was the same as the one leading Juliet and Elizabeth's missing case.

"Certainly, would you prefer to speak in my office?"

The detective waived his hand and took out his notepad. "That's not necessary, I just need to ask a few quick questions." he cleared his throat before continuing, Anne's heart felt as though it was going to fall out of her chest.

Was it possible he has some new information on Juliet and Elizabeth?

"Were you acquainted with a previous Mr. Albert Tollis? He attended the same seminary you did, as I understand it before he dropped out." asked the detective.

The young priest remained calm as he recollected his thoughts, "Yes Albert of course, we were class mates." his brows came together in concern. "Is he alright?"

The detective sighed, "Well that's what we're trying to find out. His family has him filed as a missing person at the moment. His parents did not have a good relationship with him but their son would call them at least once a week. They mentioned lately he had been calling from private numbers and pay phones, the cellphone he had with their family plan was terminated without them knowing until they recently received a bill for it. Once his calls stopped and he couldn't be reached they grew worried that no one has seen or heard from him. "

The detective jotted down a few things, before absorbing the priest's reaction. "I came to basically ask if you might have had contact with him recently."

The priest's face grew slightly pale, "Oh...I'm sorry detective, I have not heard or seen him since he left seminary,I'm afraid I'm no use to you...but you're telling me that this is a 3rd missing person?"

The detective's face was grim, he pressed his lips together before nodding, "Yes, unfortunately. It's possible these three people may have all had something in common. Though the question is what." The detective seemed determined more than ever to piece together the puzzle, before anyone else could go missing.

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