Chapter 18

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Gerard seemed really happy and I frowned in confusion. I just woke up and he's barely been awake for five minutes, How is he so energetic.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Today's just the first day of pride month," he said.

"It's what?" I asked.

"You don't know what pride month is?" He asked.

"No," I said. "Homophobic town, remember? I barely know anything about LGBT stuff."

"June is pride month," he said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because we've been through a lot and we deserve a month for us and for our pride," he said. "You'll learn more, I promise."

"Do you do special stuff during pride month?" I asked.

"Well, I was wanting to ask you if you wanted to go to the pride parade," Gerard said. "Lindsey, Ryan, Brendon and I go every year."

"Where is it?" I asked.

"Down in Asbury Park," he said. "So a little bit of a drive."

"Is it just like those Fourth of July parades but everything's just rainbow instead?" I asked.

"Basically," he said with a snort. "There's just gayness everywhere and it's amazing."

"Am I allowed to go even though I'm not gay?" I asked.

"Frankie, how many times do I have to tell  you that the LGBT community isn't just gay men?" He asked. "You're part of it too, you might not always feel like you're part of the community but you're just as part of it as I am. Hell, you're the T in LGBT."

"I always just feel like I don't belong," I mumbled.

Gerard smiled, giving me a soft kiss.

"You do belong," he promised. "You're a big part of this community, no matter what you might think."

I smiled, kissing his cheek.

"Oh and Brendon and Ryan were gonna come over for a brunch," he said. "So that should be pretty soon, I think."

"Okay, I'm gonna go grab a shower then," I said.

I gave him a kiss before walking into the bathroom and starting the shower up. I sighed as I stripped down from my pajamas and stepped into the shower. I didn't want to take long because I still had to do my makeup and I wasn't very good at it still so it took me a little while to do it.

I quickly dried my hair off with a towel before pulling on a pair of panties and sitting down at the vanity. I sighed, looking at my makeup that was kept separate from Gerard's. He let me use his, of course, but I was always worried that I would somehow ruin it and I didn't want to ruin his makeup or his nice brushes.

I didn't do very heavy makeup but in the end I could smile as I looked at myself. It was a small change but it was a nice change. A change that made me not cringe when I looked at myself. A change that made me hate myself a little less. I got dressed into a nice little pink sundress and Gerard smiled when I walked out.

"Oh my god, you look so gorgeous," he said. "Absolutely stunning."

"Don't be too sappy because I just spent an hour doing my makeup and I don't wanna cry and mess it up," I said.

He smiled, kissing my forehead.

"Do we need to cook?' I asked.

"They're bringing food and mimosa," he said. "But I'll make you a smoothie instead."

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