Four O' Clock

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  it was jimin's birthday. his mother came over to celebrate with him and taehyung. they spent hours together at jimin's apartment. the birthday boy excused himself and decided to clear his head on the rooftop of the building. the feeling of anxiety that rests in his chest had built up more with each passing minute. once he was finally alone, it disappeared. he decided to stand at the edge of the rooftop. peering down below, he felt drawn. he wanted to jump. as much as he felt the need to protest, he didn't. his feet brought him closer to the edge. he was going to leap. then the door leading to the rooftop opened. taehyung stepped out into the frigid night air. jimin hadn't noticed the gusts of wind constantly blowing by. 'your mother had to leave. she was worried about you coming up here all alone—and without a sweater. i though you had one but i was wrong.' the taller male strode over, draping his own sweater over his friend's shoulders. jimin stood silently, staring at taehyung's feet. he couldn't control the tears that spilled out of his eyes. jimin was sobbing quietly in front of his best friend. he had done this before, but the last time was long ago. 'why are you crying?' taehyung asked. the older male shook his head, covering half his face with his hands. 'you and i are the only ones here...' the taller boy whispers. he gently grabs jimin's wrists, leading them away from his face. taehyung guides his friend over to an air vent poking out from below the rooftop and sits both of them down. he leans jimin's head against his own shoulder, keeping his arm around the smaller boy. 'you'll be okay jimin. i'm here for you. always.' taehyung whispers comfortingly. the black haired boy closes his eyes. he exhales deeply, leaning away from taehyung's grasp. his friend looks down at him with a confused expression. jimin bites his lips before taking his chance. he connects his lips with taehyung's. the taller boy accepts his kiss, kissing back immediately.

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