18: Admission

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We both walked along the pedestrian walk with our mask on. We walked side by side, doing nothing, not even chatting. I would take glances towards him who just looked up front without any bother. I wished he started a conversation with me tho. 

He brought me to a cinema. I looked around if there's any latest movie. I used to go to the cinema a lot with my friends at my place, but ever since I was sent here, I don't even have any chance. I just got to spend my time in front of the laptop that Jungkook gave me in case I got bored. Well, since Haeri's mom never even put up a wi-fi in their house, so not been giving any other gadgets wasn't a surprise. 

I was pretty excited as I looked around. I felt like jumping up and down and urge Jungkook to walk faster and buy the tickets, but I didn't. I don't want to be embarrassed in front of people.

"What do you want to watch ?" he asked me. I looked around and a movie caught my attention. It's a romantic comedy. I quickly pointed at it with a huge smile.

"That one, that one!" I pulled him towards it and took a good look on the poster that's been hanging for people to see. The main character was my favorite and I won't give up the chance that's been given up to me. 

"Okay, wait here." he said before leaving to buy us tickets. I waited exactly there, didn't know what to do. I looked around and saw people with their family and couples, chatting happily. I raised my mask up on my face as I felt a little down. 

"I bought it. Let's go buy some food." he said before pulling me gently by my wrist, afraid of losing me in the middle of the crowd. I felt like the inside of my flipped at the skinship. He lead us to buy the foods which had a long line. I heard him groaned. I chuckled.

"It's okay to wait for a little." I told him, nudging him with my shoulder playfully. He looked at me and he quick to avert his eyes away from mine. I raised my eyebrow at his action. It weirded me out. 

After what feels like forever, it was finally our turn. The cashier was a young boy which was like at the end of his high school. He had a messy but stylish hairstyle, his skin was fairly clean. I was amazed by his beauty, forgot that I have to give out my order. I saw him looking at me, his mouth moving to call me, but I was still stunned by his beauty until I felt a hard tug on my hoodie. 

"Haeri." Jungkook called my name. I snapped out of my daydreaming and looked at him which already had his mask lowered. I startled as I realized I just checking out the cashier's features, lowering my mask hastily as my face began to turn red.

"C-Can I have an ice lemon tea and popcorns, normal size please." I stuttered while my eyes were elsewhere but him. I heard him answered and went to serve our order. I took a glance from Jungkook and I saw how dark his face was. His face was really tight and his eyebrows were almost knitted together. What is wrong with him ?

I then looked at the young cashier and our eyes suddenly met. I saw how his cheekbones went red as our eyes briefly met until he moved them away. 

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