28: Peaceful

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Short chapter, sorry ;c... but it's going to end soon ;)


Aurora's p.o.v

Waking up in the morning, I found myself wrapped inside a pair of strong arms that kept me warm whole night. I wondered as to why I was so comfortable yesterday, and the warmth I felt in the morning was the answer to my questions. 

I looked up to Jungkook who was still peacefully asleep with my chin placed on his chest. His face looked tired, as tired as I felt. Having him here with me, it was the best night I had since two weeks ago. I had a very content sleep that I don't feel heavy to even wake up anymore.

After taking in his peaceful features that I would never get enough of it, I forced myself out of the bed, out of his arms, and stretched a little as I felt my body strained from sleeping yesterday. I thought I would never feel alive again after revealing myself to him, but I guess miracle happens.

I was still wondering as to why he came back to me. I had lied to him for what, a year and a half ? I guess it almost two years. He should hate me for using him.

I sighed and shook my head afterwards, shaking off the thoughts off my head and decided to start the day with positive thoughts. As I was about to walk forward, I felt like my legs wobbled. That was when I realized I felt fatigue, I felt so heavy from my head to my feet.

My breath became so hot. I placed my palm onto my forehead and I hissed at the hotness. It was so hot I couldn't even touch myself. 

As I realized that I got fever, suddenly the dizziness kicked in. I fell limply onto the floor, trying my best not to make any sound so I won't wake up Jungkook. I glanced at him to see he was still sleeping, cuddled into the comfy sheets. I chuckled softly at the sight, and decided to cook something for the both of us and ignore the fever I had.

With the help of the wall and furniture around me,I reached the kitchen although it took some time. I decided to make some pancakes and since it was still early, I thought that not rushing things would help me to make the food properly. Jungkook won't be waking up especially when its... Saturday ?

Damn, I even lost track of time.

I took time making the delicious pancakes, although sometimes I couldn't even hold things properly. I had finished cooking when Jungkook groggily walked downstairs and toward me, his nose twitched as he sniffed in the delicious breakfast I just cooked. It was so cute especially when he still had his eyes closed.

I slowly went close to him and held his hand, and his eyes opened half-lidded, looking down to me. I smiled softly towards him as I pulled him to sit to the chair that has already been served breakfast. 

"Good morning, Jungkook."  I greeted him, watching him trying to shake the sleepiness. He then smiled at me before leaned in to peck on my forehead, which made me surprise at his action, blushes started to form on my cheekbones. I felt he jerked back right after, looking at me with his brows creased.

"You're burning." he exclaimed, securely wrapped his fingers around my wrist, his eyes looked at me with worried filled the dark orbs. I smiled reassuringly before pulling my hand from his fingers gently.

"Let's eat first." I told him, slowly went around the kitchen island with the help of the edge of it. I could feel the concern eyes shot onto me, but I ignored it. I sat and smiled at the breakfast I beautifully served on the plate, ignoring the eyes that filled with uneasiness that was still watching my every move.

I sighed and looked up to him, our eyes met which sent familiar tingling inside my stomach that I missed to feel. 

"We'll talk later okay ?" I told him, my voice raspy due to the hotness taken over my body. He gave up and started eating hastily. 

I shook my head at his eagerness before heating a little pieces of food on my plate. I actually don't have a lot of appetite to eat. I just wanted him to eat since his weight seems to loose over two weeks. He looked lot thinner than he was two weeks ago. 

As we done eating the breakfast, Jungkook told me to leave the plates and he would wash it later. He then carried me bridal style before I even could say anything, and I was really shy. 

The thought of him still doing this to me after finding out that I'm Aurora.. was surprising. I didn't know how to react and just let him be. 

He had placed me on our cozy couch, he sat beside me soon after. He had his huge hands wrapped around my small ones, caressing them over so gently. His soft eyes bore into mine, showing the sincerity and concerns that he held in his heart now. I couldn't help but to look into him with guilt eating me. I felt like crying.

"Aurora." my real name rolled off his tongue, and I felt like melting right there and then. I felt like breaking into tears but I held it in. I was so overwhelmed by everything. I couldn't even utter any words. He then leaned closer to me and placed his forehead onto mine. He flinched a little at the hotness of my forehead.

"You are burning, baby." he said, calling me by my pet name. I couldn't held the tears anymore. It just went down my cheeks freely, one after another. He let the tears fell, sometimes meeting his skin by the tip of his nose he had touched with mine. I love how his lips ghostly felt onto my pale lips, his breathe blended with my hot one. He already had pulled me closer by my waist which I didn't realize until my hand instinctively went to his shoulder, supporting my body from having to stay in that closeness of a position. 

"I missed you." he breathed out before kissing me tenderly. Even though parting away for two weeks, our lips know how to blend in perfectly together. It was like two pieces of puzzle that perfectly fit and make wonders. I felt my head became heavy by the seconds, but I didn't want to end the kiss so soon. I missed him greater than he does towards me.

After a few seconds what feels like forever, our lips apart. Both of us who lost our breath to the kiss, looked into each of our eyes while collecting our breath back. I could feel my face already flushed red, looking like a mess I am. As I drowned into his dark orbs, again he leaned in, brushing his nose onto mine.

"Why... why did you come back..." It didn't sound like a question. It was as if I spoke my thought out loud, but my intention was asking him why. He stopped as our lips was an inch apart. His lips yet again ghostly went over mine, sending shiver to my body.

"I just realized.. I love you, as in you, Aurora. I love you." he said after a few seconds, making my breath stuck in my throat. I just couldn't take in what he just said. It felt like a dream, so unreal to have the three powerful words in a same sentence with my name coming out of his mouth. My glassy eyes widened as I looked into his orbs, he had his eyes soft gazing into mine.

"I began to love you when I saw your personality. I just.. love you.." He said, was unsure himself how to explain his feelings. He looked unsure with his words but his eyes was the evidence to his feelings towards me. It was full with certainty and sincerity, I didn't realize a tear had shed yet again onto my cheek since I was drowning into his eyes.

"H-How.. How can you fall for someone's personality ?" I asked, my tears won't stop falling onto my cheeks as I asked him. It was hardly came out of my throat but I managed.

"Because your personality is beautiful." he said with certainty before giving me a kiss, which I was too shock to reply the kiss. I felt he smiled over my lips as I was crying a happy tears. I began to smile wide while sniffles which wasn't so beautiful. I felt his arms wrapped around mine and pulled me into a hug, which I replied into a tight hug. 

"Sleep, baby. We'll go see a doctor later, okay ?" that was the last thing I heard before I drifted into another yet comfortable, content sleep with a smile on my lips.

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