3: Hot young bloods

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Many people in this world wanted to own a mansion, to show people how rich and wealthy they are. Unfortunately, they failed to think how lonely they would be if they bought it.

The larger the space of a room, the larger the loneliness we felt.

The deafening sound of silent could drive me crazy any moment. I had never surrounded by this insanely silent environment before. People at my home were noisy, even I wished for them to stop talking for awhile. 

I laid down on the king sized bed that was for me alone, making me feel more lonely. I laid there, staring off to the ceiling that up above me. I don't know what to do living in this dreamy mansion. When I was young, I thought living in here would give me satisfaction and happiness, but instead they just add up to my depression.

Plus, I'm not allowed to connect to any internet, heck there's no internet in here.

I need to do something.

I glanced at the phone that placed on my nightstand. It doesn't lit up like my old phone used to. I had surfed the phone and its plain. There's nothing in there, not even a selfie of her. She only have few contacts and messages. The only 'stranger' I recognize from the contact was Jungkook.

How lonely could she be.. ?

Before I lost my sanity, I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and swiftly flicked my hand and called a certain number. I waited for him to pick up and he did.

"H-Hello, Haeri-ssi ?" 

"Hey Jungkook." I tried to be cheerful. He didn't say anything after that. All I could only hear was his 'uhh' or 'umm', as if he never spoke to her on phone before, or is he ? I decided to continue.

"Where are you now ?" I asked him. I can hear that he's getting flustered, doesn't know what to say. The background was so noisy with other boys voice. He's hanging out with his friends perhaps ? I want to go out too.

"I'm with my friends. Why ?" he answered. I bit my lower lips, thinking if I should really do it. I don't want to make mother worried, but I could die if I stay here any longer.

"Can I go there ?" "What ?" I immediately received a gasped from him. I felt weirded out at his reaction. They never hanging out before or .. ?

"Can I hang out with you ? Its boring here.." I told him. I waited for him to answer because he always took some time to answer my question. 

"W-why so sudden.." I heard him trailed off. I could imagine him having his hand raking through his hair as he said that, making me giggled.

"Okay. Stay there i'll pick you up." I heard him said before he ended the call. I bit my lower lips to contain the excitement of going out of this mansion for the first time. I hope mother would let me out since i'm with Jungkook.

I quickly went to my walk-in closets and looked around for some clothes. I grunted every time I reached for another dull dress.

They're all so boring.

I searched everywhere for some clothes that suit my, or her 20-year-old age, I mean, for lively and teenager-like. Most of the clothes hung around the walk-in closet were formal and dull in colors, so not my type.

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