29: I love you.

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REALLY. short. I'm sorry but it's going to end soon anyway. I might publish another chapter tomorrow ;)


A week after, I finally gathered my courage to reveal the truth to the members. Although they didn't really talk alot, humiliated even by Haeri, they still felt the lost. It was a devastated evening but soon they cheered up.

"So, your name is Aurora ?" Namjoon said, trying to create a conversation in between us even though I saw that he was still shocked by the truth.

"Yeah. Aurora Bisognin." I told them my full name. They seemed amazed by my full and foreign name and it was literally the same as me the first time I trapped here. It was evident in Jungkook and Hoseok faces, but the others kept a poker face as if they were dealing with stranger. It makes me sad but I did hide it from them for a year and a half.

"May I know how all of this happen ? We all only know that you entered her body but how ? What happened ?" Namjoon added again, purely curious. I take a deep breath.

"As you all know, Haeri was in coma for months." I told them, preparing to say the unfortunate, "but she didn't make it." I told them, and they seemed to understand as their face gone sullen once again.

"At the same time, I was in a car accident." I felt Jungkook's hand clenched mine. He still not being told yet so he was as curious as others, except for Yoongi.

"You- i'm sorry to hear that." Taehyung told me. I just shook my head with a smile.

"I still don't know why this happened. Maybe the fact that I was killed rather than a pure accident." I told them and their eyes widened.

"K-k-kill ? Someone tried to kill you ?" Jimin stuttered, his face looked at me with horror. I nodded, feeling my smile slowly fading away. I felt an arm went over my shoulder.

"Who ? Did you know ?" Jungkook asked, gritting his teeth. I looked him and gave him a reassuring look and a few pats on his hand to calm him down.

"I know her that night I told you the truth." I said lowly as I drowned into his eyes. He closed his eyes, his forehead met mine as he sighed.

"The nightmare. It was about that ?" he said, didn't sound like a question but more like mumbling to himself in regret.

"It's alright." I reassured him and smiled.

"To be honest.. I like you more than Haeri." Hoseok said, biting his lower lips, thinking he shouldn't say that.

"I agree." Jin added, "She has been looking down to us as if we're a humiliated being." he smiled weakly, " but she's still left something in my heart."

"Yeah. Her loss sure got us more than we thought we would." Taehyung said, pointing Jungkook with the gesture of his head, "Especially Jungkook."

I looked at him and I saw how he scowled at what Taehyung said. He must have been so hurt losing the one he has known for years. I just knew her parents and Jungkook are close friends, so they would see each other alot. Especially when they engaged.

"You know, " I said, "When I met her, she was crying." All the boys' head shot up to me, eyes widened.

"That's why, when you said Haeri was so cold back then, I didn't believe at first. The first I look at her, she looked so broken even when she smiles." I told them, trailing at my own words when I remembered her face vividly in my mind. I felt pain seeing her crying.

"She smiles ?" Jungkook asked.

"Yeah." I said, and my mind clicked. I remembered that I still hasn't finish her diary.

"I think... she was suffering." I muttered, my mind was elsewhere. I remembered what she wrote, the way she smiles weakly with tears went down her face. The personality I got from her and heard from the boys was completely different.

"What do you mean ?" Jin asked, his brow creased in worries. I looked at him, my brows furrowed as I felt bad telling them.

"Her parents taught her to be strict. She concealed her feelings to stay focus and serious and it became one with her to the point she couldn't portray her feelings properly." I clenched my lips, feeling like crying as I think of what she had went through.

"She didn't want to be mean to you guys." I told them, looking at each of their faces, "By the time she received the news of her engaged with Jungkook," I sniffed, "she found out that her cancer was already on stage three."

I felt a tear slid down my cheek which I wip it quickly. I felt Jungkook secured his arms around my waist and pulled me closer, "Baby.." he reassured me.

"She didn't want to get attach to you guys so she made you guys dislikes her, or hate her." I ended with sniffles. The practice room went dead silent after with only my sniffles keep the air occupied.

Soon after, I heard another sniffles and it was Taehyung, followed by Jimin after and whole BTS started to teared up.

"Why are we crying." Hoseok said, tried to smile but fail miserably, "I mean, she did that so we won't cry over her loss." he mumbled in is usual gurgles when he cries.

"She has been suffering and we're here has been judging her." Yoongi said silently.

"C-Can I ?" Namjoon approached me with his arms wide open. I wanted to sob again but I held it in and wrapped my arms around him.

"I'm so sorry, Haeri." he said and the other follows. It was so emotional. I felt so bad for taking her parts, but I couldn't change anything anymore.

I turned to the last one and it was Jungkook. He looked at me, taking in my look, or rather Haeri's look. He then pulled me into a tight hug and I almost squeezed.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, Haeri.." he kept on repeating the same in my ear.

"It's alright, Jungkook. You did your best." I cooed into his ears, patting his back as I smiled which made him hugged me harder.

"I want to go home." He told me and I nodded at his request.

I told the members and they called off the training today. It was too emotional to continue.

I walked home with Jungkook, hand in hand. He held my hand tight, didn't want to let me go.

Halfway home, I felt him tugged my hand and we stopped in our track. I looked at him and his eyes looked down to me, his eyes were saggy.

"I love you, Aurora." he confessed, pulling me into a hug. I felt my heart warmed up by his words.

"I had a baby with you because I love you, Aurora. Remember that." he told me, pecked me by the forehead. I didn't say anything, but I felt like crying.

Thank you for saying that, Jungkook. I love you so much, too

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