chapter 5

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*when fire come onto y/n hands*

Y/n:what's happening?!?

Y/n straight away calls bff/n

*On the phone*


Bff/n: yeah yeah I'm here, what's wrong why are you panicking.

Y/n:there's fire on my hands

Bff/n: It might just be a side affect of getting angry, anyways I go to go so I call you later bye.

*Hangs up*

Y/n pov:but I never got angry

Next day at school

While y/n and bff/n was walking to class, bff/n was telling y/n funny jokes.

Bff/n: did you know that the first french fries weren't cooked in France it was cooked in Greece. Her laugh is windshield wiper noises (just like Jin)

*Both enter the classroom, and sit next to BTS*

Then both of them start working and taehyung swap seats with Jin sits and now Jin sits next to bff/n (they swap seats for only the day because Jin kept talking)

Whilst y/n was working and listening to the teachers lecture, jungkook droped his pen, and y/n didn't notice and then he leans in
To grab it slightly brushing his hands on her leg and slightly on her thighs.

Y/n was about to say something until she felt that her pencil wasn't in her hand anymore, slowly she looks down and all she can see is ashes that was once her pencil.

*You turn to bff/n and say*

Y/n:I...the the pencil i-it the pencil it....

Bff/n:what are you saying you PABO

Y/n:my pencil it....


The whole class and turn to you both including BTS and Mr LEE. (Teacher)

Mr lee: y/n and bff/n out of my class now.

Bff/n:but sir

Mr lee:NOW

Y/n listens to what he says and go outside of the classroom.

5 minutes later Mr lee comes out.

Mr lee: must you two always be nuisance?

Y/n: um sure don't mind me for asking but what does nuisance means.

Bff/n slowly turns to y/n and says

Bff/n:yah pabo you even dumber then you look

Y/n: YAH!!!

Mr lee: BE QUIET!! Both of you.

Mr lee:This typical behaviour from you but y/n I didn't expect this from you!

Mr lee:Now listen both of you. Y/n this is your first warning 4 more and your going to the principals office and bff/n this is your third warning and may I just remind you that your 5 warnings have restarted twice already this year so behave! And don't tackle wendy to the ground again! Now both of you get inside right now!

Both of you make your way into class

We have 20 minutes of class left as soon as we get inside Jin and bff/n start talking, telling each other jokes and laughing like windshield wiper noises, bff/n gets sent out again and Jin also she has two warnings left. Bff/n domes back into class and turns to y/n and says

Bff/n:what were you trying to tell me???

Y/n:don't think I'm crazy but  my pencil turned into ashes.

Bff/n starts laughing hysterically and this time Mr lee doesn't even send her out, he just says last warning in front of the class.

Y/n:yah pabo I'm serious! What if I turn something bigger into ashes!

Bff/n:don't worry nothing going to turn into ashes.

Y/n: I trust you

Y/n looks around the class she slowly puts her hands back onto her desk and just as she is about to write.....

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